Interesting Articles and Videos 29th November

Interesting Articles and Videos 29th November

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Four Beliefs Defy Modern Science

Cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, PhD., who is one of the leading authorities on how emotions can regulate genetic expression, as explained in his excellent book The Biology of Belief, which was published last year. Dr. Lipton's new book is Spontaneous Evolution and was just published just a few days ago. In this interview, he discusses "the four myth perceptions of the Apocalypse." These are the myths that society has bought, up to now, as actual science. Over the last two decades or so, leading edge science has shown them to be not only flawed, but entirely false, providing such profoundly different answers that it will undoubtedly change the way we live in the future.

Myth # 1 : You Live in a Mechanical Universe

The first myth perception is that the world, especially biology and medicine, operates through Newtonian physics. It says you live in a mechanical universe.

According to this belief, your body is a physical machine, so by modifying the parts of the machine, you can modify your health. As a physical machine, your body responds to physical "things" like chemicals and drugs, and by adjusting the drugs that modify your machinery, doctors can modify and control life.

Now, with the advent of quantum physics, scientists have realized that this theory is flawed because quantum physics show that the invisible, immaterial realm is far more important than the material realm. In fact, your thoughts may shape your environment far more than physical matter.

Einstein himself is quoted as saying: "The field is the sole governing agency of the particle."

What that means is that invisible energy is the sole governing agency of matter (the physical world). It's interesting to note that the word 'spirit' by spiritualists, and the word 'field' by physicists, use the same definition for those two words.

So, the new science is actually taking us back, and shows that your thoughts, your attitudes, your beliefs, and the invisible environment, are more primary in shaping your life than anything in the physical world is.

Myth # 2: Your Genes Control Your Life

In his book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton explains the foundation of epigenetics, and how the true secret to life does not lie within your DNA, but rather within the mechanisms of the cell membrane. In this way - which is contrary to conventional medical science - it is actually the cell's membrane -- operating in response to environmental signals picked up by the membrane's receptors -- that control the "reading" of the genes inside.

What does this mean?

It means that you are not controlled by your genetic make-up. Instead, your genetic readout (which genes are turned "on" and which are turned "off") is primarily determined by your thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions! The major problem with believing the myth that your genes control your life is that you become a victim of your heredity. Since you can't change your genes, it essentially means that your life is predetermined, and therefore you have very little control over your health. With any luck, modern medicine will find the gene responsible and be able to alter it, or devise some other form of drug to modify your body's chemistry, but aside from that, you're out of luck.

The new science, however, reveals that your perceptions control your biology, and this places you in the role of Master, because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic readout. It places YOU in the power position, for better or worse. As Dr. Lipton says, "This is very relevant to the world that we are in because we have to take back a belief that we have power over our lives. Because our current perception is that we are victims, and since perceptions control life, if you believe you are a victim, you become a victim.

When we change our perceptions, we can become masters. So we are moving out of "victimhood" into mastery."

Myth # 3: Life is Based on Survival of the Fittest

The third misperception is the Darwinian belief that life and evolution is based on the survival of the fittest, which is an inherent competition and a struggle for existence that goes on forever. The new science, however, shows that this is incorrect; that evolution was not based on competition, but rather on cooperation.

This is a profound difference, and it tells us that if we want to evolve as a species, we must stop competing, and begin to recognize our coherence - that we evolved to live as a harmonious community of people, living on this planet as one living "thing" called humanity.

Myth # 4: Life Evolved as a Random Process

This is another Darwinian theory. The significance of this myth is that, based upon it, you have no purpose here, and humans are somewhat disconnected from the environment altogether. It says that you got here by accident, and since humanity was accidental, humans have no real purpose here on planet earth.

The new biology, on the other hand, reveals that you are in fact an extension of your environment. In fact, every time an organism is introduced into an ecosystem, its function is to balance it and keep it stable. When viewed from this perspective, you realize that the function of your existence here on earth is to create harmony and stability within your environment. Says Dr. Lipton, " humanity evolved as a compliment to an environment. The very scary situation is, if we destroy the environment that created us, then essentially, we are destroying the foundation of our existence." New Solutions for Old Problems

I have long maintained that your emotional state plays a role in nearly every physical disease -- from heart disease, to depression, to arthritis and cancer. Even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 85 percent of all diseases have an emotional element. If your thoughts and emotions play such a significant role in modifying your biology and your health (and I believe they do), then treating your emotions becomes an essential part of optimal health. Terms like "energy medicine" and "energy psychology" are terms that have sprung up in response to these shifts in perception of reality, and I've long been an advocate of energy psychology tools to address underlying emotional traumas that can trigger disease, or keep you locked in a disease pattern. Meridian tapping techniques, for example, which work on several levels of your collective mind-body-spirit simultaneously, can help you get a better handle on your emotions and buried pain, including the stress from unexpected tragedies. Optimal health might really hinge on dealing with, and resolving your emotional traumas as quickly as possible; not letting old emotional wounds linger and fester. In severe cases you might not be able to perform the techniques satisfactorily on yourself, in which case I would highly recommend you seek out a trained professional.


Whilst most of our friends and colleagues force their minds to dwell on the news, current affairs and football, we are all

aware that this is just the side-show. Total absorption in the side-show precludes observation of, and participation in, the main event.Like most main events, the vast majority of souls are merely spectators, with the action being determined by a few major players behind closed doors, who then stage a carefully orchestrated show in order to demonstrate to everybody that they are watching the real thing.

That is as much as we wish to say about the sideshow.

We now wish to promote the main event, and we are going to do this through drahla.

Drahla is a Tibetan word, which is best translated as "goodness". Our plan is to spread goodness around the planet, and we plead for your energetic participation. The game is called:


This game originated in Tibet, as can be noted from the name - it is the kind of game used by lamas for centuries.

All we have to do is to make a little effort to identify those tiny uplifting moments which occasionally lighten our heart - the sight of a kitten sleeping, or the sunlight reflecting on the early morning haze, or the sound of children laughing... We are about to start a new life, where we concentrate only on the good things, and every time we spot a good thing, we are going to say, out loud, so that everybody can hear, "D R A H L A". We will be contributing our bit to the uplifting of the planetary aura, and contributing a tiny fraction towards the healing of the planet and its people.

Our dream is that we can walk down a street, and hear several people say "D R A H L A". If only half of the people found only one pleasant moment per day, then we would still have three billion D R A H L A S per day. Therefore, at Our House, whenever we notice a small piece of goodness we say, out loud, "D R A H L A". This brings one person's good feeling to the attention of all present, and allows us all to share in the same good feelings. By adopting this method of saying Drahla, we all get to share in more good feelings each day, thus uplifting our average mood.

Recurrent drops in mood, created by bad news, or someone's unfortunate circumstances, or fear of impending problems, or sickness or boredom or loneliness, or guilt all lead to the creation of blockages in our otherwise healthy energy system.

The yogic answer is to be able to hold consciousness above the level of trivia, but for most of us, achieving a glimpse of a higher consciousness occasionally is what we strive for.

Meanwhile, while the world around us is up and down like a prostitute's underwear, we are trying to maintain a steady balance of mood, so that we can be in control of our thoughts and actions. Once we allow our energies to be swirled about by the haphazard world around us, then our balance is gone, and we fall asleep at the side show again, along with all of our associates.

Every time we say or hear "D R A H L A", then we are able to draw a deep breath and remember the difference between reality and illusion.

So we therefore plead for your help in lifting the planet out of its present deep rut. If everyone who reads this manages a couple of "D R A H L A S" per day, and manages to forward this message to a couple of other goodness-loving people, then we might just add enough weight to get this whole consciousness change rolling. What do you think?

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Aura colours

How to translate the auras of people

The Aum

According to our ancient sages, the vibration which many have tried to translate as God, or some other personification of The Great Vibration, is represented when we carefully pronounce the word A-u-m.

The complete practice will massage each of the seven chakras, and will make the entire body glow with warmth.

Stage 1 - making the sound AUM

Start with the mouth very wide open to form a sharp 'A'.

Then while singing 'A' quietly, we slowly and gradually close our lips until we are singing 'U', having gone through a stage of 'AU'.

Now, with no steps, but in one continual gradual movement, we continue to close our lips, until we are singing 'M', having gone through the 'UM' stage.. We hold on to, and deepen through the nostrils, the 'MM'. The vibration will be felt in the upper nostril, and third eye, which will open with sufficient practice.

Stage 2 - putting into practice

By practising very quietly, we can even get away with doing this in very noisy, boring places, with no-one knowing that we are in another, more sane, world. If we are able to direct our consciousness, then we can also use this as a method for keeping warm, or for disposing of pain.

We are going to put together a series of 'AUM's, with careful timing of the breathing.


We start with a slow in-breath, during the count of eight seconds (one-second, two-second, three-second, four-second, five-second, six-second, seven-second, eight-second).

b)Upper pause

Then, with our lungs full, we pause for a count of four (one-second, two-second, three-second, four-second). As we reach the 'four-second' mark, we open our mouth wide ready for the 'A'.

c)Singing while exhaling

Now we proceed with the 'AUM', during a count of sixteen. We aim to be leaving the 'UM', and moving to 'M', at a count of twelve. If we have unexpired breath at the count of sixteen, then we fully exhale as we finish the 'sixteen-second'.

('A' one-second, two-second three-second, 'AU' four second, five-second, six-second, 'U' seven-second, eight-second, nine-second, 'UM' ten-second, eleven-second, twelve-second, 'M' thirteen-second, fourteen-second, fifteen-second, and sixteen second - blow(to exhale all breath))

d)Lower Pause

Then, with our lungs empty, we pause for a count of four (one-second, two-second, three-second, four-second). As we reach the 'four-second' mark, we push out our diaphragm to initiate the in-breath.

This stage gives balance to the chakras, and gives a general tone up to the body. We AUM for seven cycles of seven. For each cycle we consider the next colour of the rainbow, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. (Note: If we have never done colour visualisation before, then we need to be able to picture in our mind some item which we can easily recall, which always appears with the chosen colour ,e.g. the red hat, the oranges at the market stall, the yellow buttercup, the green lawn, the blue light on top of a car, indigo (imagine), the violet flower(or pansy, or your favourite violet coloured item).


With regular practice and complete concentration, we will be able to complete the full spectrum of the rainbow, with no mistakes. This is a wonderful meditation, and helps to tune up the powers of concentration, which calms the mind. The time taken will be about half an hour. This half hour will calm our minds, and remove thoughts of pain. It takes practice and will power to complete the cycle, but on completion, a radiance, and sense of satisfaction will be experienced.

For those musically inclined, the final step is to incorporate the seven notes of the scale, as follows.

While envisaging red, we sing the note doh, but still pronouncing 'AUM'.

While envisaging orange, we sing the note ray.

While envisaging yellow, we sing the note me.

While envisaging green, we sing the note fah.

While envisaging blue, we sing the note soh.

While envisaging indigo, we sing the note lah.

While envisaging violet, we sing the note tee.

And one final enhancement is the use of mudras.


Repeat for seven cycles.Stage three - Auming with colour visualisation

Alternate way of life

There are many people, singly or in very small groups, who are living a different way of life to the one depicted on TV and in the newspapers. These are the people who have all had the opportunity to catch glimpses of the same vision, and are doing their best to manifest that vision.

The vision is essentially of a more relaxed world, with less strain on the individual entities, and the planet as a whole.

One of the first tasks is the removal of stress. Nothing is comfortable when stressed. So these visionaries are often working on projects which are known to relieve stress from the planet, and are avoiding all aspects of life which create stress.

The removal of stress.

If we imagine ourselves describing our lifestyle after the balancing adjustments have been completed, and the new vibrations of the planet have had time to enmesh themselves with our individual vibrations, then we will be having the sort of days that have been our hearts desire.

Once the financial debacle caused by the collapsing economies has been completely restructured, under a new paradigm based on love, as opposed to the old paradigm, which was based on the intellect, money, and power-mongering, then the need for a few to control many will have disappeared.

The populations of each nation will have understood just how much control they had been operating under, how much freedom had been lost, and just how great was the cost of the actions against non-existent enemies or terrorists. When the budget is cut, then so is the mind control.

Central government will have released its control to the regions, and the regions to the villages, such that each village becomes completely self-administering and self-sufficient, with each individual considering him or herself to be a member of a community of five hundred or so people, and having as much say as anyone else about the functioning of that community.


Each community will be known to be unique, and no central or generalised laws will be applied. True democracy will exist, where one person has one vote on anything which affects his life, and not just once every few years to elect a representative whom he has never met.

Due to the change in circumstances, then demographic change will also have taken place.

People will live closer to the source of food and water. They will find that their own lives, and that of the biosphere, are far less stressed under these circumstances. The benefit is that everyone is better able to understand food, thus generating more interest and understanding in diet, which results in the elimination of toxins created by pesticides, chemical fertilisers, and genetic engineering, and an increase in the popularity in vegetarianism. Fewer people will have the desire to eat meat after they have had some sort of contact with the animal before slaughter. Being provided with accurate and unbiased information related to human dietary considerations helps enormously.

There will be fewer large herds of cattle, releasing the planet from the stress of feeding a billion beef cattle. The smaller herds of dairy cows, will lead more full and very happy lives. The dairy cows not only give milk, but their droppings will be collected in the cow shed, and used in a biogas unit, to provide energy for the houses, and fertiliser for the fields.

This intelligent idea will have been adopted globally, as a starting point for a sustainable lifestyle. Turning waste matter into energy and fertiliser will have been a fundamental step in removing stress from the planet.

As people become more interested in their food, then the quality of food will begin to rise. Due to only little ecological unbalance, controlling pests will be only a small problem, and can be solved by non-toxic methods. Another significant factor is that the nutritional values of food will increase, back to their natural state. This results in a lower demand for food, as the necessary nutrition will be more easily satisfied.

Going to work

The concept of "going to work" will also be abandoned. Everyone will be able to find useful self-employment doing constructive or creative work either at or near home. The work of household chores will be turned into a form of meditation.

Successful projects will be adopted by the surrounding families, and improvements in stress removal techniques will be made every day. Every household will have something creative happening, with the members of the household jointly contributing.

As everyone is aware that their initial task is to remove stress, then there will be no-one with a desire to create stress, removing the need for police and army.

Universities will no longer be funded by big business, as there will be no big businesses. Universities will have come to the fore as research institutions in stress reduction, and every lecture or experiment will be aimed at reducing stress.

Each community will have its own source of energy, which will be fuelled sustainably from the village. All wood needed will have been grown specifically to satisfy that need, and the remaining natural forests will begin to expand again. The purpose of trees will have been more clearly defined, since it will become understood how trees work.

Their leaves have a glossy upper coating, and a dull lower surface, thus reflecting the suns direct rays, and absorbing the radiated heat from the earth's surface. The cooling effect is the key to reversing the global warming problem, and the importance of trees will be one of the first things taught to school children. Schools will not be as before. The school will go to the children as opposed to vice versa. Each community will be responsible for its own education, and everything else related to the village.


It will be discovered that the only true method of learning is by self experience. So the use of the classroom to present theory will be abandoned. The schools will be running innovative projects first proven by the universities.

All projects will be based on an increased understanding of how nature works, allowing more projects to be of assistance to nature as opposed to being of negative vibration.

The countryside will be beautiful, with miles of uninterrupted scenery.

Fewer roads and transport systems will be required, as daily stressful commuting will be reduced. Large factories, and large gatherings of groups of people are stressful, and will become unnecessary.

The desire for self sufficiency overcomes the need for mass production, and the levels of cooperation result in no large disparity between rich and poor neighbourhoods. The definition of rich and poor will change, and now relate to the levels of stress removal. A neighbourhood could be rich or poor in stress removal techniques, but help for the more stressed areas will always be available.

Gradually, the full knowledge of the control techniques that had been applied will be revealed. With the dissolution of all of the old secretive institutions, the old secrets will come pouring out, and will horrify even the perpetrators. There has been so much manipulation taking place, by so many different parties, with so many different agendas, for so long, that shock and trauma may result for those with fixed views.

When viewed as a species, the transition from a world of money and intellect to a world of love and the heart will take several generations, but when viewed from the aspect of an individual, then the transition will be a matter of a few years. Once the path is signposted, and been trodden by a few more souls, then it will be easier for more to follow, until most of the people are looking back and wondering how they had been able to put up with such a ridiculous way of living as had been left behind. The remaining few to transit will be given assistance by those already in the clear, and the old world will melt away into the history books inside one generation.

The increased participation in life, as a result of living and working in a community of people where each is known to the other, will enhance satisfaction for each individual to such an extent that it will be difficult to understand why the concept had not been adopted earlier, by greater numbers.

The concept of small community democracy is so simple, and so effective, that the complexity of today's life can be seen and understood, but only after participating in such a community for a significant period of time.

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