Interesting Articles and Videos 26th April

Interesting Articles and Videos 26th April

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

50% of the World’s Wildlife Gone in Just 2 Human Generations

23rd April 2015

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Anyone accustomed to Openhand knows that our approach is to fearlessly embrace the truth, even if that makes us unpopular. Why? Because only the truth can truly set you free. There’s so much deception and distortion abound on the planet. We must intuit and feel for ourselves the true landscape and where this is all really heading. For only then, may we become apart of this Great Realignment that’s taking place.

With that in mind, were you aware that in the last two human generations alone, we have lost over 50% of the planet’s wildlife? Staggering isn’t it. We are in the sixth mass extinction in no uncertain terms. And when the eco-systems completely go, then we completely go too…

A Shift Into the Higher Density

In the Openhand View, this is now practically impossible to turn back. No amount of wishful thinking, intentional manifesting or heartfelt healing is going to turn it all around. An unstoppable sequence of events has been set in motion which will ultimately cleanse the 3D earth as life ascends into the higher 5D paradigm. As esoteric as that may sound to some, it’s constantly happening in a cosmos teaming with life and continual evolution.

It is nothing to fear, but rather to fully embrace.

But you can only truly do that of course, you can only dive into the deepend of your own soul’s salvation, when you surrender to the bigger movement of life; the natural underlying flow of the universe.

You’re constantly hearing in spiritual circles how ‘we are the one’ and ‘that we are eternal’ and that we ‘exist in multiple dimensions’. Yet there’s still great attachment to society and to the world of physicality. Not many people are yet truly testing their beliefs in the crucible of daily living and turning them into pure knowing.

But what I hear that irks me most of all, is the frequently quoted view that human activity is not having a detrimental effect on the planet. Really? When you add this staggering wildlife information to the fact that since the industrial revolution over half the planet’s trees have also gone, you have to question the sanity of such views. It’s time to really wake up!

So today, I invite you to take just 10 or 15 minutes to go into a quiet space, and simply contemplate what it means to know that half the planet’s wildlife has died off in just the last two human generations – the last 40 years. How do you really feel about that? How sustainable do you think this current situation on Planet Earth really is?

Most importantly, how might that inspire your commitment to spiritual evolution?

The Living Planet

Here as an overview of the “Living Planet Report 2014″, the world’s leading, science-based analysis on the health of our planet and the impact of human activity…

“This latest edition of the Living Planet Report is not for the faint-hearted. One key point that jumps out is that the Living Planet Index (LPI), which measures more than 10,000 representative populations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, has declined by 52 per cent since 1970.

Put another way, in less than two human generations, population sizes of vertebrate species have dropped by half. These are the living forms that constitute the fabric of the ecosystems which sustain life on Earth – and the barometer of what we are doing to our own planet, our only home. We ignore their decline at our peril.

We are using nature’s gifts as if we had more than just one Earth at our disposal. By taking more from our ecosystems and natural processes than can be replenished, we are jeopardizing our very future. Nature conservation and sustainable development go hand-in-hand. They are not only about preserving biodiversity and wild places, but just as much about safeguarding the future of humanity – our well-being, economy, food security and social stability – indeed, our very survival.

In a world where so many people live in poverty, it may appear as though protecting nature is a luxury. But it is quite the opposite. For many of the world’s poorest people, it is a lifeline. Importantly though, we are all in this together. We all need nutritious food, fresh water and clean air – wherever in the world we live.

Things look so worrying that it may seem difficult to feel positive about the future. Difficult, certainly, but not impossible – because it is in ourselves, who have caused the problem, that we can find the solution. Now we must work to ensure that the upcoming generation can seize the opportunity that we have so far failed to grasp, to close this destructive chapter in our history, and build a future where people can live and prosper in harmony with nature.”

What was that last sentence again?… “Now we must work to ensure that the upcoming generation can seize the opportunity that we have so far failed to grasp, to close this destructive chapter in our history, and build a future where people can live and prosper in harmony with nature.

5 Alarming Facts About Prescription Drugs

15th April 2015

By Dr. Edward F. Group

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Prescription drugs are prevalent in today’s society. While some drugs may be necessary in some situations, the fact that there are some drugs that carry health risks that exceed their perceived benefit is very real. Of course, this post is not to turn anyone off from taking their meds; in fact, it is simply here to educate you so you can be more informed when you and your doctor are making decisions regarding your health.

While it’s never a good idea to stop taking your prescriptions without your doctor’s approval, there are things you should know if you want to practice a natural lifestyle. I don’t want to share this to scare you, but merely to increase your awareness. With that said, let’s move on to 5 alarming facts you might not know about prescription drugs.

1. You Might Be Getting a Huge Dose of Someone Else’s Drugs

There are a lot of people and businesses—yes, even some hospitals—that still flush unused and expired medicine down sinks and toilets. [1] Flushing those means they enter into our water supply. Although no one’s really sure what that means for human and animal health, it’s probably not good. One researcher looked at the effects of birth control pills in our waters and noticed higher levels of estrogen ultimately making male fish infertile. [2] Another found alarmingly high levels of metformin, a diabetes drug, in Lake Michigan. [3] You could be getting a medicine you don’t need, and it seems it’s all in the water.

2. Counterfeit Drugs Are Common and Deadly

The latest scandal from China saw the seizure of over 440,000 chromium-laced capsules.[4] Normally made from edible gelatin, medical capsules are safe to eat, but these used industrial gelatin, something that left the toxic metal behind. Chromium can build up in the body causing organ damage, so the biggest problem now? Tracking down the other 90 million capsules sold by the illegal workshop. But this problem is nothing new; counterfeit drugs are disturbingly common in this day and age.

3. Approved Doesn’t Mean Safe

Antibiotics can have serious—sometimes, unintended—side effects. Many times, antibiotics are over prescribed; this overuse leads to antibiotic resistance, and ultimately to new bacterial strains that can’t be treated. These “superbugs” are even responsible for deaths, with the CDC reporting in 2013 that the U.S sees “at least 2 million infections and more than 23,000 deaths each year” from “highly-resistant bacteria.” [5] There’s even evidence that broad-spectrum antibiotics — those prescribed for major infections—could even be a factor in early childhood obesity. [6]

4. Antidepressants May Harm Newborns

Recent studies suggest that pregnant women taking antidepressants can pass the medications along to their unborn children via the placenta. [7] The biggest worry here is medicine that blocks a mother’s serotonin levels may affect the child’s development. [8]While you should never just stop taking these medications without a doctor’s consent, prenatal exposure to these pills can double a child’s chances for ADHD and lead to a number of developmental delays—even raise a child’s risk for autism. [9] [10]

5. Even Legitimate Drugs Aren’t Immune from Safety and Sanitary Issues

But it’s not just the counterfeit drugs I mentioned earlier that are unsafe. Compounding pharmacies — companies that mix unique or hard-to-find drugs — have been the subject of an FDA crackdown ever since an outbreak of fungal meningitis in 2012. [11] With 1-3% of medication coming from these pharmacies, the prescriptions can often be meant for cancer patients, so it’s nice to know the FDA is regulating these groups.

How to Get Rid of Unused Prescriptions

If you have prescription drugs that you no longer need, do not flush them down the toilet or throw them into the garbage. This can deposit them right into the water supply. Recently, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced a plan to allow you to return unused pills to pharmacies in an effort to cut down on unintended water pollution!

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How Much More Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?

23rd April 2015

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The news pouring in daily about how we’re being scammed, poisoned and domineered by big food, big pharma, big oil, big corporations and big brother is almost overwhelming.

It’s past time to draw some conclusions from all of the obvious evidence.

This is where the rubber meets the road. There comes a time we need to crystallize all that’s being plainly revealed into a very clear picture that brings personal action and a conscious response. The global engineers are enacting a full spectrum attack on humanity, to not just subdue, control and transform the world’s populations, but to reduce it by slowly maiming and killing it off.

The common awareness of these programs extends to such arenas as weather and electromagnetic warfare, radiation contamination and a full on global fracking agenda, full spectrum geopolitical hegemony, invasive medical and pharmaceutical fascism, and the tightening economic vice grip on people’s supply lines and their very survival.

Everything we read daily points in the same direction.

The question before us is, what will we do in the face of such an onslaught? Are we first of all willing to draw some conscious conclusions? Or are we afraid due to the implications of what our personal involvement might entail? And all while our race is clearly being adulterated and exterminated?

Serious personal questions indeed. Courage is the absence of letting fear rule our lives. Doing the conscious and responsible thing is the duty of every living creature, not just “activists”, another term used pejoratively to keep people from doing the obvious.

Eugenics – The Openly Declared Usurping Elitist Agenda

Elitism runs on fundamental tenets. Thinking they are superior and knowing what’s best for the world, they have funded and operated think tanks, foundations, institutions, universities and secret organizations for centuries in one form or another to formulate and hone their plans.

The scale is massive with these internationalists and we are the subjects of their experimental implementations. That their aim is to modify as well as reduce our numbers is a repeatedly documented goal of these psychopaths.

All for control and arrogantly assumed domination of those they consider inferior.

After all is said and done, they’re not sure of anything, despite their hubris. We are a race with qualities they cannot fathom due to their abject lack of empathy and true conscious awareness, despite their metastasized left-brained so-called intelligence and other intimidating dark machinations and engineered influences.

Recent decades have seen a massive proliferation of such elite planning organizations, many operating openly with benign names like the Rand Corporation, the Stanford Institute, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute, the Red Cross, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Institute for the Advancement of the Sciences, the Ford Foundation, the Sierra Club, the Jesuit Society of Jesus and many many more.

Most hypno-zombies don’t think anything of such organizations. After all, like the “Patriot Act”, they must be for out collective good.

More profoundly, media manipulation through language sorcery and meme repetition has been extremely successful. Most would never even stop to question anything sounding like an “authority” on some issue, hence the worship of men in white coats with strings of degrees after their names, trusting “talking heads”, institutions like these and anything sounding credible.

To ‘The News’

Which brings me to the news. Almost hourly we’re reading of new exposés regarding critical health issues, from the disastrous effects of vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs to the cover up of what is actually in our adulterated and genetically modified food which they themselves won’t touch, as well as our drinking water and the very air we breathe.

Not new, but bubbling up more and more in the mass consciousness.

The world militarization and mass surveillance agenda is another major factor happening concurrently as an obvious manifestation of this globalist agenda. Media complicity is clear and their influence is waning rapidly as grass roots community actions proliferate.

Just the fact that the realistic, awake and aware perspective of seeing these realities for what they are has been portrayed as “conspiratorial” puts the control issue way over the top, not just in Orwellian incredulity, but exactly where they want it in the mass mind. Safely ensconced in frozen compartmentalized suspended animation.

In plain reality of course it’s a very real conspiracy, and they’re clearly executing a stated agenda, one we’re fully aware of. Naturally they have to decry anything that opposes it.

What an obvious sham. But again, who’s looking?

We are!

What We’re Up Against

It’s a disinformation machine, spouting out whatever toxic spew it deems necessary at any given time. Keeping people in the dark is their number one job. Once you catch on to that you’re on your way to mental and spiritual freedom, but it takes some doing, and takes guts to openly see past the green screen projection we’re being fed.

As someone wisely said, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

Very true words indeed. Get past that stage and start to activate. Every one of us counts.


If we don’t respond consciously to this invasion on our kind we’re not worth our salt. Doing what we can restores confidence and an innate sense of who we are, and spurs many others on to do the same.

Pass it on. And on and on. Passionate communication is the key to empowerment at this point. Never downplay or delay that.

All of this is just for starters. The rest is up to you, and me. There are massively powerful spiritual weapons of mass construction at our disposal such as localized community activism – use them, and discover new avenues continually. We’re swimming in an ocean of possibility waiting to be tapped into and manifested.

There is nothing more empowering than that as I see it.

Hope you do too. It’s a wonderful opportunity for taking the initiative and making a massive difference.

See you there!

Much love, Zen

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