Interesting Articles and Videos 15th March

Interesting Articles and Videos 15th March

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9/11 evidence to go public in Danish and UK courts

Expert witnesses to the ‘terror’ events at the World Trade Center in 2001 prepare to appear for the first time at the Danish High Court.

Expert witnesses on the events of 9/11 in 2001 which triggered the global “War on Terror” are set to give evidence in public for the first time in a Danish court with testimony which casts doubt on the official narrative of what is probably the most significant global event in post-WWII history.

The two witnesses are expected to give evidence which expresses widely shared doubts about the official explanation of the three building collapses in New York in 2001 - especially the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, which received comparatively little attention in the global mainstream media.

The pair will give evidence at the Danish High Court in Copenhagen on Thursday as part of a case brought by Dr. Niels Harrit, who is appealing against the outcome of a libel suit he brought against journalist Søren Villemoes and Danish newspaper Weekendavisen.

The court case is regarded as significant by legal and other observers as one of the witnesses, Jan Utzon, is a world-renowned architect and member of AE911Truth, an organization of more than 2,300 architects and engineers who question the official story of the 9/11 events.

Another is Dr. Per Hedegård, a physics professor from the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute, who was initially a critic of Harrit’s claims that the highly advanced explosive nano-thermite was present in the dust present in the aftermath of the 9/11 events in the U.S., but has reversed his position and is appearing in court to support Dr. Harrit.

The appeal hearing comes after Harrit sued Villemoes and Weekendavisen over an article entitled Madness in the Royal Library which Weekendavisen published in the newspaper on Dec. 7, 2012 and which referred to Harrit and other experts, academics and political activists who have questioned the events of 9/11 as “crackpots”, comparing them to “creationists” and Holocaust deniers.

Harrit, the co-author of a landmark scientific paper on the existence of nano-thermite in the dust from the explosions at the World Trade Center on 9/11, is being allowed to submit more evidence to support his original claim against the newspaper after the lower City Court ruled against his libel suit in 2013.

Also, Dr. Hedegård is supporting Harrit in a reversal of his former position when an article he wrote in 2010 dismissing Harrit’s claims was used as evidence used against Harrit in the original libel trial.

Supported by attorney Mads Krøger Pramming, chairman of the Danish whistleblower organization Veron, Harrit will present a video of the collapse of the WTC 7 building, as well as an actual sample of the dust from the incident in which the presence of active nano-thermite residues has been proven to exist according to a scientific article published in the Open Chemical and Physics Journal in 2009 by United Arab Emirates-based Benthams, a company which publishes scientific, technical and medical literature.

And in a separate court case in the UK related to 9/11, Matt Campbell of Sussex will go to Hastings Magistrates Court on March 23 claiming the UK state broadcaster the BBC engaged in “covering up evidence relating to 9/11 and evidence” relating to the murder of his brother Geoff, who was killed inside the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

He is also expected to be allowed to present evidence and expert witnesses to give statements which he alleges prove the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 were controlled demolitions.

Campbell will claim he has reasonable cause to believe that the BBC had been “willfully complicit in the deliberate cover up of vital and incontrovertible evidence relating to how his brother Geoff was killed” and that the BBC is guilty of complicity with terrorism.

Campbell claims the BBC is refusing to inform the public of “incontrovertible scientific evidence relating to free-fall acceleration during the collapse of Building 7”.

He also states that the BBC “appears to be supporting a cover-up of the true events of that day”.

Representing Campbell’s case is senior litigation solicitor and human rights activist Mahtab Aziz, who also advised documentary film maker Tony Rooke during his trial at Horsham Magistrates Court in 2013.

In a case attended by several hundred members of the public and by independent journalists from across Europe, Rooke was charged with non-payment of his TV license fee.

In defence, he accused the BBC of “intentionally misrepresenting facts about the 9/11 attacks” in relation to the UK state broadcaster reporting the collapse of the 47-story skyscraper Building 7 on 9/11, 2001, more than 20 minutes before it occurred.

The BBC later blamed misunderstandings between the informers on the ground and the reporter for the mistake.

Among other experts, Dr. Niels Harrit had been to appear as an expert witness in the trial, but the court rejected Rooke’s application to present Harrit’s evidence.

District Judge Stephen Nicholls from Horsham Magistrates Court insisted that the trial would not be “a public inquiry into 9/11”.

“This is an offence under section 363 of the Communications Act,” he ruled during the trial.

In sentencing Rooke, Judge Nicholls said: ‘Mr Rooke puts the basis of his defence under Section 15 of the Terrorism Act, effectively asking the court to find the BBC is a terrorist organisation and that if he continues to pay them he himself is committing a criminal offence.

“I have explained to Mr Rooke even if I were to accept his evidence. I would be unable to find a defence.”

The judge ordered Rooke to pay £200 costs and gave him a conditional discharge.

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Pilots, Doctors and Scientists Tell the Truth about Chemtrails

Thanks to FKTV

These are powerful and to-the-point testimonies, given by a group of

fully-credible scientists and pilots (many ex-US Military), who testify as

to the difference between condensation trails and chemtrails and the dangerous

compounds that are accumulating in our soil and water, as a result of


Alan Buckmann, a former military fish and game biologist explains that chemtrail

weather manipulation represents a health hazard to us all, as the compounds being

found in their wake are hazardous and unnatural, such as unbonded aluminum.

It is explained that the reason why you don't hear about it on the mainstream

news is because geoengineering, colloquially known as "chemtrails" are a

Black Budget Program - that is apparently,global in scope.

More gripping details in this redacted version of a longer testimony produced by

Dane Wigington of, a man who has dedicated his retirement

and his life savings to exposing this threat to the public's health.

Video (15 and a half mins):

Pilots, Doctors and Scientists Tell Truth about Chemtrails

Praise the Lord for Edward Snowden

Thanks to John K.

Mike Harris discovered the key to the mystery of Bolshevism and Neo-Bolshevism, their origins and the reason for their inter-generational paranoid obsession with asset stripping, mass-murder and extreme bloodletting of Goyim anywhere and everywhere.

Send in the Clowns – Bibi's all done

And we all owe a debt of gratitude for the pioneering research of Veterans Today's own Financial Editor and VT Network Talk-show Host Mike Harris who traced the origins of the World Zionist (WZ) crime syndicate operating out of the City of London Financial District all the way back to Khazaria. It is now evident that this Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrated and hijacked the British Banking System and then all of England and has been attempting to do the same to America through its Federal Reserve System, the largest Fiat Counterfeiting System in the World and the source of pernicious usury and debt-slavery for most Americans.

Now thanks to the work of Mike Harris we now know that Bolshevism was revenge taken against innocent Russians in 1917 for breaking up Khazaria and helping the American Colonists defeat Britain and helping the North defeat the South in the great American Civil War, which was actually being run by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) also better known as the Rothschild private Fiat Central Banksters. We also now know that the Israeli espionage fronts and Dual Citizen infiltrators and Traitors serving as enemies within our gates are actually Neo-Bolsheviks working under the authority of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

Solzhenitsyn stating the reality which we now know for certain is based on the fact that the Bolsheviks were actually Mind-kontrolled Khazarian Mafia (KM) run Malignant Judaic Tribalists who wanted revenge against the Russian people for invading and destroying Khazaria in about 1000 AD, and for assisting the Colonists defeat Rothschild owned Britain in the Revolutionary War and later in the Civil War again. VT Financial Editor and Talk Show Host Mike Harris connected the historical dots on this and discovered the secret Khazarian Mafia (KM) background which has been wiped from the history books by the KM. This new historical information Harris has discovered has unlocked a true understanding of the mystery of why these Bolshevik Malignant Judaic Tribalists who have been led by the Likudist Party and now Netanyahu and why they are so notably savage, bloodthirsty and inter-generationally revengeful, and are obsessed with mass-murdering all American Goyim, Islamics and Palestinians. Now the left shoe is about ready to drop! The left shoe is about ready to drop and when it does the effects with be catastrophic for the state of Israel, its espionage fronts inside America like the PNACers, top NeoCons, top AIPAC Directors, JINSA, and the ADL, and especially Bibi and his Likudist Party.

What exactly is this left shoe bombshell that is on the verge of public disclosure and cannot be stopped? It is the 28 missing pages of the 9/11 Report. The 800 Page 9-11-01 Senate Report was released and made public in 2002, but 28 pages was redacted under national security. We now know what was in those pages that have scared the hell out of Bibi and his boys. The initial news reports have been a soft sell cover-up claiming that the report blames Saudi Intel for the attack. This is a lie.

What exactly is the left shoe?

What the 28 redacted pages of the report show is that the attack on America on 9-11-01 was run by Israeli Intel with much of the costs paid for by the Saudis. Obviously Bibi and the Likudists as well as the various Israeli espionage fronts inside America are scared to death of this 28 pages being released which is what some Senators now want. You can just imagine how many brown manilla envelopes are being slid under various Members of Congress's office doors during the night! As if this wasn't enough, there is more, oh so much more. As many Veterans Today readers already know the secret AEC Sandia Labs investigation of 9-11-01 and the full Able Danger File were leaked by Edward Snowden to the Russians who declassified it and placed it into the public domain. Veterans Today has published a lot of it in Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery and it shows conclusively that the attack on America of 9/11 was done by Israel—Israel did 9/11 – ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD—with the help of traitors and Israeli-American "Israeli-first" Dual Citizens and Traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD, FAA, the Administration, the Pentagon, PNACers, top AIPAC Directors, Israeli Intel Agents, Assets and Sayanims.

The Russians have all the names of the individuals involved, each role they played and how the attack was done. The rest of the facts will be released in steps to counteract the American sanctions against Russia and the tampering of America and Israel with Syria, Iran and the Ukraine where Russia has a lot of money invested. If America doesn't back off immediately and take Israel with it, you can bet every single fact will be released in numerous major media of the World because so many now hate America and Israel for all their joint wars of aggression.

The AEC Sandia Labs Investigation and the Able Danger Investigation show that Israel stole 350 W-54 Nuclear Pits from Pantex in Texas and deployed some of them to blow up the Twin Towers on 9-11-01.

These reports show prove conclusively that the 9-11-01 Attack on America was a nuclear attack using decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear Pits stolen out of the backdoor of Pantex in Texas and then reconditioned, stored in the Israeli Embassy in NYC and then taken to the Twin Towers and planted by Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company. Remember every single nuclear Pit has a fingerprint which identified where it was manufactured or detonated. This fingerprint evidence is irrefutable.

Fingerprints of Nuclear material are picked up in real time by sophisticated orbital satellites and planes flying patrol with special gamma ray and neutron sensors. And these fingerprints can easily be picked up from sample taken after any nuclear detonation.

Snowden the great American Hero has made sure that soon all Americans will know that Israel did 9-11-01 and used nukes to do it.

And you may be surprised to know that the Pentagon was hit with a Tomahawk cruise missile with a hardened nose cone launched by an Israeli Dolphin Class diesel Submarine and this was allowed by the USAF and USN being ordered to stand down. Sadly, the Able Danger team was called to the Pentagon on the morning of 9-11-01 to a meeting room directly targeted by the Israeli fired cruise missile. There were 35 of the 50 team members present and all were murdered. This was done to stop their investigation discoveries from ever being made public.

Well thanks to Snowden and Veterans Today top Directors, we now have the full content of these reports which have all been vetted and verified as accurate. And when all the facts about the cover-up come forth about the RICO crimes of Judge Hallerstein and other Dual Citizens of divided American loyalty, people are going to want such individuals indicted, arrested, tried and severely punished with the maximum sentence allowed by law. As for the facts that we have right now it appears that 3,000 innocent individuals were murdered that day (9-11-01) while Israelis and Dual Citizens were warned to stay away by Odigo messaging. The popular singer Donna Summer who lived close to the twin Towers developed lung cancer soon after the attack, and died, she claimed that it was the dust and contamination from the attack that gave her the cancer because she never smoked. There have been thousands of cases like hers.

Between 9-11-01 and now, approximately 39,000 first responders and residents of the surrounding area in NYC and New Jersey have died of radiation related cancers. See Nuke Cancer from 9/11 Revealed. It is now estimated approximately 70,000 more individuals are now fighting for their lives from radiation related cancers.


The blood of the dead and those suffering and dying now cries out for the 9-11-01 perps to be brought to justice. Remember there is no statute of limitations on Murder.

Bibi has done what many believed was impossible. He was the criminal mastermind that planned and ordered the nuclear attack on America of 9-11-01. His extreme Hubris led him to think he could get away with it. However he underestimated the power of the Worldwide Internet, the World's New Gutenberg press which transmits truth nuggets at the speed of light rather than the speed of paper and ink.

Bibi's extreme hubris led him to attack innocent Palestinian Women and children mass-murdering in excess of 2,500 of them and destroying many of their homes with aerial bombing. Bibi's hubris also led him to order the destruction of a UN school filed with innocent students. this extreme evil is now finally coming to light and it is Bibi's own speech that serves as the tipping point which will finally bring him down, will destroy the Likudist Party and will also expose and eventually destroy the Khazarian Mafia (KM) based in the city of London Financial District which uses Israel as its main action-agent and sanctuary of evil.

One last consideration some might find quite interesting. The Bush crime cabal has been in power controlling the CIA for over 50 years, but it has always been subservient to its big boss the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Kingpins, also known as the Rothschild World Zionist private Fiat Central Banksters and their right hand the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (aka the Kosher Nostra or IZCS).

But the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) is now undergoing a major leadership change and the new Chiefs appear to want to move up and take over. Why? Because they sense that the Whole World is now finding out about the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltration and hijacking of America through the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System and their right hand the IZCS and that Israel did the 9-11-01 attack on America.

As these facts are coming forth and diffusing to Mainstream America, this provides the first major opportunity for the BCC to displace both the KM and the IZCS as the World takes both apart at the seams. Here is the big kicker. As the US Petro Dollar fails and the Federal Reserve System is eliminated, unless We The People take over and fill the void there is a good chance that the BCC will clean up its act a bit and move in pretending to be the good guys and will take over where the KM and the IZCS left off.

It's up to all of us to get busy and take reasonable actions to expose all this corruption and demand a new honest government. This probably means we indict arrest and try almost every Member of Congress and five of the nine Supreme Court Justices who are corrupt, bought and owned or we live with the BCC taking over the whole enchilada.

And as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is exposed, disempowered and eradicated from America and the whole World, many of the mind-kontrol victims of World Zionism can be freed from their mental prison of Khazarian Big Lies, propaganda and false-narratives and all the poverty, debt slavery, massive drug trafficking, needless wars, engineered eugenics and mass death and suffering it produces as the greatest plague mankind has ever suffered. Watch this important FREE video, Bought, that exposes the sickness, disease and genocide inflicted by Big Pharma, GM foods and chemical agriculture.

Free the mind-kontrolled prisoners of World Zionism, expose and destroy the Khazarian Mafia (MF), and put its Kingpins, Cutouts, assets and Sayanims out of business forever! nl880.htm

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