Interesting Articles and Videos 5th April

Interesting Articles and Videos 5th April

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

A few articles from way out there - use discretion

Message from Montague

Thanks to UnSlave me

It was never my intention when I passed to the world of spirit to become the one who opens your minds to your true history. By doing so together, we can rescue your planet from those among you who are determined to destroy humanity and take over the planet for themselves. They have shown their hand many times, but you failed to understand what was actually happening. You have only to read ALEKSANDER SOLZHENITSYN's first hand account of the atrocities that openly took place in the 1900s, during the lifetime of many of you. It is always hidden in plain sight. This goes to show that it is happening every day and you are blind to it. By choosing to be blind to it, you become an accomplice. That is a serious matter.

Veronica and I are not the only ones who are trying to open your eyes. There are many who have researched and found the truth. They share it with you. To deal with THIS GREAT DECEPTION, one has to go back to ancient Ireland, when Rome and others began its take over.

From the writings of CONOR MAC DARI:

”The Hierarchy at Rome knew that the Irish Church of IESA CRIOST (Jesus Christ) had established Christianity or Sun Worship on the Western Continent.

The systematic suppression of facts, which is almost beyond belief, of the history of the Irish achievements, is almost shamefaced and barefaced, carried on by agencies already mentioned. It is the plainest fact that Ireand's history has been written by her enemies.

The policy of destruction, suppression, and alteration which was pursued in Ireland by Rome, she also put into execution on this Western Continent. In Mexico, as elsewhere, anything that was found resembling Christianity was destroyed, if it was possible to do so. The Roman Priests destroyed all the books they could find, and those they preserved, they altered. They deleted whole chapters from the writings of the native historians who wrote the history of Mexico.

When we consider that the Irish were the "PHOENICIANS" AND ALSO AS WE HAVE BEEN SHOWN, THAT THE "HEBREWS" were the Priestly Cult among the Irish Race, it makes very plain the identity of "These Peoples" as ONE and the SAME. Investigators have noted the relationship between the "Hebrews" and the "Phoenicians", attributing it to the spread of Hebrew culture and influence among the latter. This seems to be as far as they have been able to go toward enlightening us. They have left us to infer that this connection was due to TWO PEOPLES occupying two adjoining sections of country, the Hebrews occupying the interior pastoral country and the Phoenicians the sea-coast. Those investigators seem to have drawn their inferences accordingly. The "Phoenicians" and the "Hebrews" were one and the same race, as much so as two brothers living in the same household or father and son in the same family.

These are but TRICK names for the Irish Race; Ireland was their seat, capital, and home country, not the eastern coast of the Mediterranean or Syria.



The disclosures made here will be of aid to future investigators and philologists in tracing and accounting for the changes which have been made in the three alphabets, said to have belonged respectively to the IRISH, HEBREWS and Phoenicians. They are but variations of the ONE.

The Irish were the inspired authors of Christianity which is plainly evident from what has been unfolded herein, and their rites are still observed in the disguised Christian Sun Worship of the present day. It all goes to show that there has been a deception practiced on the Christian people of the world, a terrible and cruel deception. The reason for this is no longer a secret.

And in honour of HIM, for his glorification and worship, they built those great and magnificent Pyramids, Towers, Ibelisks, Sphinx, and Temples. In brief, their works and ideals can be recognised everywhere, from the rock-walled temple ruins of the Angkor Wat in distant Cambodia to Siam, from Ellora and the Cave Temple of Elephanta in India to the islands of the Pacific, from Ireland to Egypt from Syria to Peru, Yucatan and Mexico. The character of their works cannot be mistaken.

The facts are so clear that they cannot be mistaken or set aside; they are convincing and positive proofs; they proclaim to the world that both the religious institutions and civilisation which existed on this Western Continent for thousands of years were brought here by the priests of the ancient Irish Sun Worship and religion of IESA CHRIOST, THE SUN GOD”.

It has never been more important to know and understand the truth. Massive changes are occuring and you need to protect yourselves and your planet. It is a clear win or lose situation. Together, you can win so easily. Do not make it hard for yourselves. We in spirit have been planning your awakening for some time. We needed key people like Veronica to be in place to serve as intermediaries. When you fully understand what has been done to deceive you in order to take control, the whole picture will become absolutely clear and you will happily take the necessary steps to take back control of what is rightfully yours. You will save Planet Earth for future generations to enjoy in peace and love.

Please continue to send love and light to London and all the ley lines, to enable them to release their wonderful energy for the benefit of mankind. My love and gratitude go to all who assist in this work. It is more valuable than you realise. Please also send love and light to those who have missions to carry out in order to rescue humanity from destruction. Together, you are the 99%. You can do it. They cannot succeed without your assistance. It is time to say NO.

Do try to take some time for you. You need to rest. Give yourself a break; you need it. The attacks are exhausting. Soon, my dear, they will be a thing of the past.

My love is yours forever. Your adoring, Monty.

Proposal for world federation now passed to key power centers

by Benjamin Fulford:

Thanks to Unslave Me

March 31, 2015


The White Dragon Society has proposed the creation of a world federation (not a fascist New World Order) in order to achieve permanent world peace and start a golden age of unprecedented progress and prosperity. The proposal was made, during ongoing secret negotiations, to the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Commonwealth and other power centers.

Under this proposal, the United Nations Security council would be replaced by people representing the political consensus of seven major regional groupings. These would be Africa, China, East Asia excluding China, Europe including Russia, India, the Muslim world and North plus South America. Decisions would be made by a majority and each region would have a veto only for its own region. Each region would also have its own meritocratically staffed future planning agency and people owned central bank.

In addition, a meritocratic future planning agency would be established for planning mega-projects that transcend regions. Technocrats with good track records at existing international institutions like the World Bank and the IMF would be invited to join either this or one of the regional agencies.

The Pentagon, the Chinese armed forces and the Russian armed forces would gradually integrate to form a planetary protection force.

So far the Pentagon plus the agencies, the P2 lodge (the Vatican), the Chinese, the Russians, the Germans and the British have all given initial signs they support this plan.

The creation of such a structure would make it possible to resolve all international disputes through arbitration, court cases or sporting events instead of war.

It would also allow the release of equivalent of tens of trillions of dollars to spend on an unprecedented campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, create new eco-systems and explore the universe among other things.

In the public sphere we can find strong evidence that a new system has been agreed upon in principle. When China announced its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the cabalists in Washington told their allies not to join. Since then, Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, France, Germany, South Korea, Russia etc have all announced they would join. This forced the IMF and the World Bank to also announce their support. In other words, the secret controllers of the Federal Reserve Board have lost control.

What is left of the old financial system is a combination of a functional retail system and a dysfunctional institutional system. In other words, salaries, electricity bills and the like are still being handled in a realistic basis at the street level but stock markets, bond markets, hedge funds and the like have left the real world a long time ago. Super computers, algorithms and their handlers are duking it out with each other using quadrillions or decadecillions (look it up, there is such a number) of dollars in complete detachment from a real world where one year of world GDB is only $100 trillion. The plug is about to be pulled on all that.

The Satan worshipping Khazarian (Hyksos) families that controlled the old system are now

circling the wagons around their ancestral homelands of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel. This is what is behind the announcement of an “Arab” army. Note that this is not a Muslim army since Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and other Muslim nations are not joining because they know the Hyksos countries are actually run by Satan worshippers. The Hyksos countries are being attacked by a joint Pentagon, Turkish and Iranian force and will soon be forced to surrender. In the propaganda news this attack is being explained as two separate events, one involving a US/Iranian attack against ISIS in Iraq and the other as a Saudi/Israeli attack on Yemen.

The other Khazarian strong points outside of the Middle East are the US South West, the Western Ukraine and parts of the Russian mob. These are all being dealt with.

In the US, special forces are conducting “exercises” in Texas, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and California that are in reality a move against the Satanic networks there.

In the Ukraine, a joint German/Russian task forces is dismantling the Khazarian controlled military and gangster forces.

The question then of course becomes one of finding out who the real script writers or secret leaders are. Thanks to the internet and the ongoing global awakening, a lot of them have already been flushed out. We all know about the Rothschilds, the George Soros types, Freemasons, the gnostic Illuminati, the P2 lodge etc.

What these various secret groups all have in common is that highly influential people gather in secret and form a consensus. They then force the public puppets like Prime Ministers etc. to carry out whatever decisions were made in secret.

However, there also now exist benevolent secret groups fighting for the average man and not for the benefit of a Satan worshipping elite. They need to stay secret in order to avoid assassination by the Satanists.

The battle has now reached the point where the Satanists are negotiating a surrender to the Red and Blue, the White Dragon Society and their allies.

According the MI5 sources “the negotiations will be conducted against a backdrop of a rolling banking and financial meltdown in EU with massive calls on UK finances to bail out Germany, Italy, Spain etc. This scenario is likely sooner than later certainly over the summer.”

Furthermore according to the same source “Parliament was proroged (suspended from power) last Thusday in preparation for the election campaign. In effect the country is now being run by Cabinet Office and Sir Jeremy Heywood, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, until putatative ministerial oversight returns with a new Government sometime after May 7th. I need say no more.” In other words, the UK now has a meritocratic government.

The US is also now under a de facto meritocratic government headed by the Pentagon and the agencies. In Japan, meanwhile, preparations are also underway for regime change. The Emperor’s US based handlers contacted the WDS after the Japan Independence Party called for the arrest of cabal stooge Shinzo Abe. The Bushes want to make a deal.

Disclosure Data from GoodETxSG 7/6

[Q] “Maybe think of it like this….perhaps it’s not a matter of a new system being imposed on us, as you are envisioning. Maybe it’s more a matter of them planning for a new system organically and it naturally arising within a very loose and adaptable framework once the old system has been dismantled… With the availability of certain technologies mentioned (energy/healing/food replication, etc) certain old ways of doing things will become immediately obsolete… Everyone would be able to generate vast surpluses of energy. This virtually eliminates dependency on government and corporations…

“…it would be irresponsible to not anticipate how things can become chaotic and cause great harm. Do you really think that is a minor issue? Is there some point where your pragmatism overcomes your paranoia and you see some sort of planning as being not only beneficial but necessary?

[GoodETxSG] “There is a war going on weather you want there to be or not… Sorry you were not asked for your consent. Those who were behind the scenes and the “Curtain” and watched the wizard at work decided it was time for the charade to end and the truth to come out and people to be FREE and to then decide to be Good or Evil of their own volition… There will always be plenty of time for “Choice”…

“These are things that will happen in stages, that is the point of a “PLAN”… But until you experience these “Technologies” you do not understand how meaningless the concept of MONEY is… They skip over the fact that Money was only set up as a way to control people, a Debt System setup that the Elite call the “Babylonian Money Magik Slave System” has been running strong for thousands of years… Many people only know it and will be afraid to see it go. “Cashless System” is a loaded term… That implies that there is some other sort of payment system other than CASH… You do not understand the concept of “FREE”… “NO COST”…

“Yet with all of the “Controllers” removed this is what it will be… Ultimately over time it will be what WE MAKE IT… it going to be a bit frustrating for many who are locked into old paradigms and belief systems (Reality Bubbles) and do not want to let go of their Slave System (Invisible Shackles)… Yet that is why these “PLANS” have multi steps so not to shock many of these people into psych wards

“The Blue Avians stated it would get worse before it got better and that there were some rough times we as a species needed to go through in order to break free of this “Cycle” we have been placed on by our ‘Manipulators” and “Custodian Beings”…

“I am not here to convince you one way or the other, I am also not here to have circular debates with people who are prejudiced against the information without doing the full research with an open mind.“

[Kp note about colors: I remind all that I am not using the purple color GoodETxSG uses. Just the red and the underlines (it’s all a deal with WordPress editor “messing up” my font colors when I mix colors and try to post). Click the link of the forum post to view in full “GoodETxSG color”.]


Forum post #437 (18th March 2015, 05:20)

[Q] “Maybe think of it like this….perhaps it’s not a matter of a new system being imposed on us, as you are envisioning. Maybe it’s more a matter of them planning for a new system organically and it naturally arising within a very loose and adaptable framework once the old system has been dismantled. I know you will most likely interpret the word “framework” in the most sinister way possible. But if you can’t see how something like that would ease the transition into a new workable way of doing things, then I’m just glad that you are not involved in planning these things out, because I would bet your way would be a disaster in the short term.

With the availability of certain technologies mentioned (energy/healing/food replication, etc) certain old ways of doing things will become immediately obsolete. Now, there’s many ways things can go from that point. And I’m sure we all have our visions of what might come of that. I think people vastly underestimate the social ramifications of free energy. With abundant energy production, and with people being unshackled from oil, gas, coal, nuclear, etc., the landscape of possibilities will look quite different when it comes to every aspect of society.

Everyone would be able to generate vast surpluses of energy. This virtually eliminates dependency on government and corporations. But there may be some uses for these things in a limited way, but nothing resembling how they were before. I would envision many people choosing to form co-ops where they voluntarily pool their surplus energy resources in order to use it in vast projects that would benefit everyone. Energy itself could become a unit of exchange, if exchange is required in a certain situation.

So what I am trying to say is….you are reflexively assuming that the alliance has this rigid system they want to install, rather than a loose framework designed to anticipate the social ramifications of these actions. And much of the ramifications are actually pretty predictable, up to a point. In the way I see things, it would be completely irresponsible of them not to have such plans. For instance, it would be irresponsible to not anticipate how things can become chaotic and cause great harm. Do you really think that is a minor issue? Is there some point where your pragmatism overcomes your paranoia and you see some sort of planning as being not only beneficial but necessary?

IIRC, both Wilcock and Fulford has specifically said that when they talk about the alliance including these nations, they are not talking about their governments. That’s a common misconception. So, who are they talking about? Of course, you want to know who these people are. But considering that they are in the middle of a war, and they are working under very necessary conditions of the utmost secrecy, I would say there is zero chance that you will get a list of names and a chance to grill them all to see if they pass muster when it comes your philosophical ideals. You must realize what they are up against. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. If any liberation effort were going to succeed, things would have to be done in a certain stages, I would think. You’re getting a bit ahead of things, I think. In the stage we are at now, the priority is getting rid of the cabal and their system.”

[GoodETxSG] I couldn’t have put some of this better myself… I know elements of the Alliance keep close tab’s on these postings. So if you really want to be in contact with them and they research you and your past/present agenda’s match theirs they may contact you (I don’t know). But yes, this is war… How far would the French Resistance have gotten during WWII if they had passed out leaflets of their plans and agenda and went door to door of all of the French asking “Do we have your permission to overthrow the NAZI Regime and free you from this tyranny? Check here for YES, Check here for NO, by the way here are pamphlets of all of our members and our tactics please read and enjoy…”

There is a war going on weather you want there to be or not… Sorry you were not asked for your consent. Those who were behind the scenes and the “Curtain” and watched the wizard at work decided it was time for the charade to end and the truth to come out and people to be FREE and to then decide to be Good or Evil of their own volition… There will always be plenty of time for “Choice”… (People have NO idea what has gone on for so long behind this curtain/veil and most haven’t wanted to know…)

There are those that are going to try to turn every word and idea put forth about this topic and war between the “Alliance’s” and the “Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates” (Aka “Cabal”) as something being worse than what we are living under. Fear mongering and twisting words and agenda’s to match their own belief systems and reality bubbles as they cannot bend their 3D minds around some of these concepts…

These are things that will happen in stages, that is the point of a “PLAN”… But until you experience these “Technologies” you do not understand how meaningless the concept of MONEY is… They skip over the fact that Money was only set up as a way to control people, a Debt System setup that the Elite call the “Babylonian Money Magik Slave System” has been running strong for thousands of years… Many people only know it and will be afraid to see it go. “Cashless System” is a loaded term… That implies that there is some other sort of payment system other than CASH… You do not understand the concept of “FREE”… “NO COST”…

These are the same people that will weep as Babylon Falls… They are entirely invested in that system and cannot imagine another one existing. They know they were controlled by the other system and cannot imagine a new one where they are not controlled… Yet with all of the “Controllers” removed this is what it will be… Ultimately over time it will be what WE MAKE IT. And this time WE will bare responsibility for the outcome and not those secretly manipulating events and people from the shadows…

This is not slighting a person but it going to be a bit frustrating for many who are locked into old paradigms and belief systems (Reality Bubbles) and do not want to let go of their Slave System (Invisible Shackles)… Yet that is why these “PLANS” have multi steps so not to shock many of these people into psych wards or into curling up into bed with the TV on, now finally sharing the truth of our Human History and our Elite…

The Blue Avians stated it would get worse before it got better and that there were some rough times we as a species needed to go through in order to break free of this “Cycle” we have been placed on by our ‘Manipulators” and “Custodian Beings”… We need a shocking series of events to lodge into our “Genetic Memory” to prevent us from repeating these cycles of history if we are to finally stand on our own two feet for the first time since we “Came to be”…

I am not here to convince you one way or the other, I am also not here to have circular debates with people who are prejudiced against the information without doing the full research with an open mind. I am just delivering a message for everyone to run through their own discernment filters and then Act or Not Act On… It is completely up to them. I for one would love to see a world with a Higher Vibration, Loving and Service to Others Population… IMHO.


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Matter vs. Spirit – Participating in the Greatest Debate Ever

Since humanity’s conception, we have been split into two debating parties: those who believe that reality is only made of matter and those who believe there’s something else. In more recent times, this great philosophical debate has generally been called Materialism vs. Idealism, or Atheism vs. Religion. Or put another way, Matter vs. Spirit.

Materialists were few and far between back in the ancient days. Most people believed in some form of God, afterlife or higher consciousness through their religious or spiritual disciplines. Yet the birth and amplification of the scientific revolution – which focused on physical phenomena – ensured that the knowledge of this area grew, along with its applied technological capacity.

Science consistently increased its accuracy when predicting the behaviour of the material world, so humans grew in confidence regarding matter’s primary relevance. It became more and more common for factions of society to reject the teachings of the religious orthodoxy, partly because science offered something testable and concrete and partly because religion had so many social and philosophical flaws.

The western world gathered so much momentum in its scientific prowess that in a relatively short period of time on the evolutionary scale, it essentially replaced religion as the standard for truth. But then quantum physics came along which completely undermined the certainty that classical physics offered. Both Newtonian laws and space-time relativity were thought to be the holy grail of science, but the quantum world politely sent them packing back to middle school where they belonged.

However, not all scientists and laymen alike have accepted this. Many still hold onto the material world like its fundamentally real, but quantum physics clearly illustrates that it’s an illusory manifestation of a deeper order of energy, vibration, force and information. The zero point field, which is the energetic and informational heart of quantum physics, is unified; effectively making the whole of reality the same.

Even though we can very loosely conceptualise these facts, they are still ideas that we struggle to get our understanding around. Evidently, the further we go down the rabbit hole, the more intangible and mystical reality becomes.

No matter – pun intended – what the core substance of reality is, it’s proven beyond any shadow of a doubt not to be of a solid, material nature. The debate between matter and spirit has therefore ended; it’s now evolved to address what this ‘spirit’ is actually made of.

Many pioneer scientists and experts argue that this realm is something like consciousness because of the way that it interacts with the quantum world. Essentially, consciousness creates an experience out of the potential of experience. This model suggests that our brains act like a radio by tuning into the signal of consciousness according to the brains associated hardware and software. When we tamper with our hardware i.e. our neurological wiring, or reprogram our software i.e. our beliefs, it changes the way that we process consciousness. We therefore have a different experience as a result.

This may or may not be conclusively proven in the near future; the jury is still out. Regardless, we need to get society back on track when it concerns this debate.

We know that we don’t have all the answers – for starters, the idea that an infinite Godlike intelligence created existence is beyond the scope of our finite understanding. Nevertheless, we at least know that there is something going on deeper than just physical stuff having interactions based on some randomly generated laws. We simply need to accept that the physical world is an illusory manifestation and it needs to be treated as such. No longer can we arrogantly believe in the metaphysics called materialism; as a society, it’s time to move on.

So when you’re confronted with a person who advocates for the out-dated materialist philosophy, it’s important to keep in mind the following points so to ensure you engage them in a way they’ll accept and understand.

A Guide to Participating in the Greatest Debate Ever

  • To avoid confusion, try not to raise these mind and heart expanding topics in a group setting, as one on one is always best to have a clear and balanced conversation.

  • Let the conversation come to you i.e. somebody might raise relevant information.

  • Contextualise the debate i.e. materialism isn’t science, it’s metaphysics, and it’s narrative is full of holes that doesn’t account for the gamut of scientific evidence emerging in fields such as quantum physics, quantum biology etc., as well as the accumulating data derived from pseudoscientific fields such as parapsychology.

  • Tackle one topic at a time to avoid missing important information.

  • Explain the debate i.e. materialism (which has long been dead) versus the leading ‘spirit’ variations of idealism (such as phenomenalism and monistic idealism).

  • Point out that the materialism begins from a classical physics viewpoint and asserts that consciousness and freedom are illusory, whilst idealism begins from the more fundamental quantum physics viewpoint and asserts that it’s the material realm which is illusory – therefore, because quantum physics is fundamental to classical physics, idealism is more fundamental to materialism.

  • Talk about scientific puzzles such as the quantum concept of non-locality and the quantum measurement problem, consciousness in general, the placebo effect, evidence of a holographic universe, energy, mind/body interaction, mathematical paradoxes of infinities etc.

  • Raise the wisdom encoded in sacred geometry.

  • When discussing various scientific evidence, make sure you distinguish between orthodox science and pseudoscience and note that it is inevitable that some of the latter will one day be ‘accepted’ science.

  • Talk about how science is still learning and has plenty of room to grow.

  • Discuss the polarity between random and non-random (or coincidence and synchronicity).

  • Show understanding and compassion towards those who falsely believe the materialist dogma.

  • Be confident but humble in your approach.

  • Indicate clearly that of course no one has all the answers, including so-called scientific experts, and that the current story just doesn’t fit your experience as well as much of the emerging evidence in controlled scientific endeavour.

  • Make sure you’ve had the conversation many times with close friends as you’ll learn to lock in particular evidence, examples, patterns, focal points, flow etc. – in other words, know it like the back of your hand.

  • Accept that each individual is only ready to learn something when they’re ready and some people will never be ready to undertake a meta-paradigm shift because that’s the path they’re on.

  • Never condemn, it’s perfectly okay for people to have their own beliefs.

  • It’s probably best to not enter into a debate with a fundamentalist materialist – it’s generally a waste of time because they will usually disregard your perspective without objectively analysing the evidence (they also tend to religiously regurgitate the gospel of their materialist priests, so it goes nowhere and nobody learns); and…

  • Invite the conversation with people who are interested in what is beyond the lens of the manifested world – it’s a pleasurable experience that way and everybody learns and grows accordingly.

Ultimately, the aim is to spread some good vibes through love, understanding and compassion, especially to yourself. Then if it is relevant, have these types of conversations with those who resonate with you or with this information in that moment, because everybody will benefit.

That’s the best way to participate in the greatest debate ever.

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