Interesting Articles and Videos 17th May

Interesting Articles and Videos 17th May

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate

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The media, your pediatrician, politicians and health authorities like the CDC and FDA claim that vaccines are safe and effective. So why do hundreds of peer-reviewed studies indicate the opposite is true? Read, download, and share this document widely to provide the necessary evidence-based counterbalance to the pro-vaccination propaganda that has globally infected popular consciousness and discussion like an intractable disease.

It is abundantly clear that if the present-day vaccine climate, namely, that everyone must comply with the CDC's one-size-fits-all vaccination schedule or be labeled a health risk to society at large, is to succumb to open and balanced discussion, it is the peer-reviewed biomedical evidence itself that is going to pave the way towards making rational debate on the subject happen.

With this aim in mind, has painstakingly collected over 300 pages of study abstracts culled directly from the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database on the wide-ranging adverse health effects linked to vaccines in the today's schedule (over 200 distinct adverse effects, including death), as well as numerous studies related to vaccine contamination, and vaccine failure in highly vaccine compliant populations.

This is the literature that the media, politicians and governmental health organizations like the CDC, pretend with abject dishonesty does not exist – as if vaccine injury did not happen, despite the over 3 billion dollars our government has paid out to vaccine injured through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund since it was inaugurated in 1986.

We have written extensively about this research previously, highlighting different studies, focusing on translating their implications to the lay persons (view our vaccine article section here), but we believe that collecting and condensing solely the primary literature itself makes a much more powerful statement.

This document is being made free to download to the world at large in order to encourage the lay public, health professionals, activists, and elected officials alike to read, acknowledge and share the voluminous literature with their family, friends, colleagues and related stakeholders. You will find this research undermines the national and global agenda to continue to expand the vaccine schedule (on behalf of a vaccine industry that is indemnified against lawsuit for defective or harmful products), with increasing legislative pressure to remove exemptions and mandate them against the evidence of harm and at best equivocal effectiveness as a preventive health measure.

If the vaccination arm of modern medicine today is to continue to promote itself as a science- and evidence-based practice, it must acknowledge and incorporate the implications of the research we are releasing here, or lose any pretense at credibility. Failing to do so will reveal that the widespread push to remove your choice in the matter is agenda and not evidence driven, and due to the fact that vaccines all carry the risk of irreversible harm and even death (any vaccine insert proves this), it clearly violates the Nuremberg code of medical ethics to promote them as a priori safe and effectiveness.

Drake's Take

Okay peeps, listen up. I've listened to the first hour of Drake's Cosmic Voice show and wanted to allay any fears remaining around the military activity we're seeing with respect to Jade Helm.

First of all, Drake covered the Russian and Chinese soldiers. As for the rumours that they are going to extract or murder American citizens, he said BULL.

Drake said it's pretty much impossible for 1200 troops to invade and subjugate an entire nation.

He DID say, if anyone sees UN vehicles, to let him know. Video would be best.

Despite the videos we've seen, he said he is not seeing a "massive build-up of military vehicles", etc.

The military IS practicing for martial law, however---but not against the American people. They are going to be going after the US Corp. government criminals. Very soon.

Drake doesn't have a firm date, and is waiting on a phone call.

He said this removal of the powers-that-were will not be as civilized and pleasant as most would like, but we'll get through it.

The financial system will be shut down, etc., as Cobra has told us, and that could mean some difficulties with supply chain, etc., despite the years of preparation put into this initiative.

Things might be a little rough for awhile, and we will all have to overlook our differences, unify, and strive toward this one goal---to free Humanity.

He said this has never been done before, and I would add, "on Earth", because some of the beings who have been assisting in this plan, ie. the Resistance Movement, have done this same thing on other planets before.

To some degree they can anticipate what needs to be done, how to do it, how people will react, etc. We owe them a greater debt than we can ever pay---not that they expect it.

He said the ETs are pretty much ready and on standby.

I'll leave it at that. If you want to listen to Drake's archived call, you may do so here:

Keep envisioning life in our Golden Age, my friends. Whatever happens, we can handle it. Just prepare and help to prepare others if you can. ~ BP

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Yoga and Earthing – Wellness Inspired Practices

By David Gelfand

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Whether you’re in class, getting onto your yoga mat, or just getting home from work, it’s not uncommon to overhear someone talking about “getting grounded”.

In practice, grounding is a mechanism seen on three levels. It’s 1) a physical connection to the earth beneath you, 2) a shift in mental focus, allowing you to center your thoughts, and 3) whatever else brings your mind and body to ease in the here and now.

Grounding yourself is a mechanism by which you’re able to stabilize your energies, center your mind, and focus on the moment. As a result, you’re able to take a deep breath, step back, and focus on you for that very moment – no matter the time and place.

Let’s Start with Yoga

Incorporating the practice of grounding into your life can be done any number of ways, but one of the most recognized and impactful is through the practice of yoga. Through certain yoga poses, this sort of grounding presents your body and mind with the opportunity to release anxieties and physically root yourself to the earth.

The root chakra, in particular, is based entirely on how our bodies are connected to the earth and acts as a natural energy pathway. Through the root, base chakra (pulling from the earth through the feet and into the lower spine), the body maintains an entry point for universal energies and sustains a healthy foundation for your bodily function.

It’s not surprising that, with this concept in mind, Chinese tradition holds a heavy focus on strengthening and sustaining this root point. Earth Qi represents the patterns of energy and the earth’s magnetic field that we are surrounded by. Many exercises that are meant to strengthen the body and mind, including yoga, are done barefoot. A central practice within Chinese tradition includes the growing of a “root”. The Kidney 1 point (also known as the “yong quan point”) involves the opening of a conduit and connection between the earth’s surface and a person’s feet/body.

With yoga as a grounding mechanism, you’re forced to rely on both your mental focus and connection to the earth in order to sustain a balance. A few poses that are particularly helpful in grounding (both mentally and physically) include:

  • Mountain Pose

  • Tree Pose

  • Downward Facing Dog

  • Child’s Pose (an all-time favorite)

For more information on the health benefits of yoga, please see: How Yoga Heals The Diseased Heart.

To learn about the practice of yoga, check out: The 5 Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation: 108 Movements to a Meditative Mind State.

The Earth Connection

If yoga isn’t always an option given your hectic schedule, don’t worry – there are other options. What’s most important to remember is that grounding is what works for you. Just because the downward dog is what grounds your neighbor, that doesn’t mean it’s the only option out there.

While grounding is partly psychological, it’s also physical and can be done very easily by stepping outside. Our bodies desparately yearn for a healthy connection to nature and to the earth. This connection is what nurtures us, it keeps us alive and energized. More importantly, this connection with nature reminds us what an immaculate world we have around us. As humans, we spend far too much time insulated in our synthetic environments and disconnected from the outside world. This disconnect poses significant risks to our health and wellbeing.

Establishing that root, absorbing the earth’s energies and grounding yourself is done most easily when barefoot.

Recent studies and medical professionals have begun to identify the scientific benefits of this Earthing practice. By creating a direct connection to the earth (going barefoot), your body is able to absorb the Earth’s limitless supply of free electrons. These electrons, studies suggest, act as antioxidants by stabilizing and neutralizing harmful free radicals associated with inflammation, injury and/or toxicity.

Various industries have begun to take notice as well, creating various Earthing products to maintain this sort of connection, producing earthing or grounding products designed to help our bodies regain natural balance and stability on a molecular level. In particular, earthing shoes have recently entered the realms of medical study and footwear production.

To learn more about the principles of Earthing and how they can impact your wellbeing, download this Earthing eBook.

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Pineal Gland

By Dr. Edward F. Group

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The famous philosopher Descartes described the pineal gland as the “principal seat of the soul.” You’ve probably heard of this gland being the ‘third eye,’ a mystical chakra point residing right in the middle of your eyebrows. Well, it turns out these ideas aren’t too far off. The small, rice-sized, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ known as the pineal gland sits alone in the middle of the brain and at the same level as the eyes.

Pineal Gland Functions

How you think and feel every day depends on the pineal gland. As the producer of the hormone melatonin, the quality and duration of your sleep relies on how well it produces this hormone. This tiny organ regulates your daily and seasonal circadian rhythms, the sleep-wake patterns that determine your hormone levels, stress levels, and physical performance.

4 Ways to Activate the Pineal Gland

Activating your pineal gland may be helpful for regulating mood, sleep, and energy levels. Here are 4 ways to get started:

1. Get Out and Into the Sun

Sun exposure kick starts the pineal gland to produce serotonin and stimulates the mind. Any type of light exposure, either directly or indirectly, activates the pineal gland, prompting it to produce serotonin. This neurotransmitter is responsible for mood and improves energy levels. This is why it’s crucial to avoid light after the sun goes down, because you need your pineal gland to produce melatonin and suppress serotonin. This process can only be accomplished by reducing light from electronics and lightbulbs as much as possible.

2. Sleep in Complete Darkness

A dark environment ensures your pineal gland produces enough melatonin to ensure good, restful sleep. Make sure you avoid backlit devices like phones, tablets, computer monitors, or TV right before bed. The lighting of these devices stimulates serotonin production, tricking your pineal gland into thinking it’s daytime, confusing your wake/sleep cycle.

3. Sun Gazing

Sun gazing is perhaps one of the most controversial exercises you can do to activate the pineal gland, simply because there’s no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness or safety. Here’s the basics of the practice: within the first 15 minutes of sunlight at the beginning of the day and then the final 15 minutes of sunlight at the end of the day, you gaze into the sun for a couple of seconds, but only a couple of seconds. Again, sun gazing has its risks. Simply getting out in the sun and having your eyes exposed to light indirectly can help stimulate the pineal gland without having to stare directly into the sun’s rays.

4. Meditation

The pineal gland responds to the bioelectric signals of light and dark, and meditation activates this bioelectric energy. With practice, you can learn to direct this energy to this highly-sensitive organ.

Modern Problems with the Pineal Gland

Calcification is the biggest problem for the pineal gland. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland more than any other organ and leads to the formation of phosphate crystals. As your pineal gland hardens due to the crystal production, less melatonin is produced and regulation of your wake-sleep cycle gets disturbed. [1]

Research also reports fluoride hardening accelerates sexual development in children, particularly in girls. [2] And this is a serious problem as a study from 30 years ago reported 40% of American children under 17 were found to have pineal calcification in process. Since then, we’ve see children, especially girls, experience the early onset of puberty. [3]

In addition to fluoride, halides like chlorine and bromine also accumulate and damage the pineal gland. Calcium supplements can also cause problems. Without enough vitamin D–64% of Americans are vitamin D deficient–calcium does not become bioavailable and calcifies human tissue, including the pineal gland. [4]

Eliminating fluoride may be the best first step for reducing health concerns. Use fluoride-free toothpaste, avoid tap water, and drink filtered water. For the best filtered water, use a reverse osmosis water filter. Eat calcium-rich foods rather than taking calcium supplements if you can get plenty of vitamin D.

How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

If you’ve been exposed to fluoride, your pineal gland has some degree of calcification preventing it from working well. Here are a few ways you can decalcify:

Tamarind Fruit

The fruit from the African tamarind tree is extremely effective at removing fluoride from the body. One study found children given tamarind excreted significantly more fluoride in their urine compared to the control group and may halt or even reverse the effects of skeletal fluorosis. [5] [6]


Mix one teaspoon of borax (or boron) in a liter of water and take it in small quantities over the course of a day or two. Consult your doctor before using this method.


These volcanically-produced crystals have recently been discovered as a powerful way to detoxify your body. They break down hardened calcium that forms around heavy metals in tissue and removes these heavy metals from the body.


Regular cleansing enables the body to naturally remove toxins and heavy metals from the body, including fluoride.


Halides like fluoride, chlorine, and bromine accumulate in your tissue if you’re iodine deficient, which is an increasing problem around the world. If you’ve cut back on salt and don’t eat a lot of seafood, there’s a good chance you may be deficient. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include chronic fatigue, thyroid disease, feeling cold or a low body temperature, and hormone imbalance. To get more iodine, eat foods rich in iodine, [link to article on sources of iodine] or take a colloidal iodine supplement for the best result.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

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