Sunday Family Humour 29th March

Sunday Family Humour 29th March

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

And God Looked Down

Thanks to Connie P.

Most seniors never get enough exercise. In his wisdom God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things thus doing more walking.

And God looked down and saw that it was good.

Then God saw there was another need. In his wisdom He made seniors lose

coordination so they would drop things requiring them to bend, reach & stretch.

And God looked down and saw that it was good.

Then God considered the function of bladders and decided seniors would have additional calls of nature requiring more trips to the bathroom, thus providing more exercise.

God looked down and saw that it was good.

So if you find as you age, you are getting up and down more, remember it’s God’s will.

It is all in your best interest even though you mutter under your breath.

The Difference between Men and Women

Thanks to Ray O'

A wonderfully humorous explanation by Mark Gungor

More Than Just a Picture

Thanks to Thatdarnedcat

More than just a picture

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Road Runner

Thanks to Jim R.

An honest to goodness, brand new Wile E. Coyote - Roadrunner cartoon made with today's technology (but all of the old humor). Enjoy!!!

This is the first Roadrunner done with computer graphics. Lots can be done with computer graphics that will be far less expensive to complete than those old Disney style drawn animations.

The computer graphics look good, and the video still has that 'Roadrunner' fun.

Only 3 minutes, but 3 minutes of fun!

Australian Outback

Thanks to David H.

Auatralian Outback

Happiest Video Ever

Thanks to Unslave Me

Frollicking lambs, piglets and rabbits

Unusual Animal Friends

Thanks to Chuchee

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Donors this week

Linda B

Walter G

Claudia G W


Richard M

Jerry T

A record week - thanks to all

(can we keep it up and pay the rent?)

Every $1 helps - thank youSee here for more donation options