Interesting Articles and Videos 5th July

Interesting Articles and Videos 5th July

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Greek Domino falls, China moves in to pick up the pieces

Benjamin Fulford - June 29, 2015

So, it has finally happened, Greece has shut down its banks and imposed capital controls. And so the dominoes start to fall. This is only the first act in a grand opera that will continue to unfold in the coming months. To try to guess what is in store for the European Union, it is good to take a look at how the fall of the Soviet Union took place. The fall of the Soviet Union began with a widespread sense of dissatisfaction with the government among both the working class and the elites. This gave birth to strikes and demonstrations in Poland that led to the fall of the Polish government in June of 1989. In November of that year the Berlin wall came down. Then, running into 1990, the communist governments of Czechoslovakia,

Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary fell. Finally, in December of 1991 Michael Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet Union itself collapsed.

So now that Greece has failed we can expect Spain, Italy, France, Germany and finally the United States itself to follow a roughly similar trajectory to what we saw with the Soviet Union.

What most people still do not realize about the fall of the Soviet Union was that it was not caused by failed ideology but by actual financial bankruptcy. That is why the United States and the European Union, which is modelled almost exactly on the Soviet Union, are doomed to experience regime change. They are bankrupt.

Chinese and BRICS government sources explain what they are going to do next. Chinese number 2 Li Keqiang is arriving in Europe this week where he will announce China will contribute generously to a European reconstruction fund with an initial budget of 315 billion Euros. It is no coincidence that this is almost exactly the same amount as the Greek debt total is.

The Chinese offer of bail out money for Europe is the one of the reasons why the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland etc. agreed to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

In addition to this, the BRICS development bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and many other new institutions are also now opening shop. All of these institutions will be helping direct a flow of $21 trillion worth of Chinese money that is expected to flood world markets in the coming months and years.

In parallel to this, there are also ongoing negotiations on what rules will apply to the $21 trillion worth of Chinese savings that the Chinese government is soon going to let Chinese citizens invest overseas. Basically this amounts to discussions about what areas the Chinese will be allowed to invest in and what will be off limits.

The Europeans are much more open about what the Chinese can invest in than the Americans. So far, the British have already offered ownership of a major newspaper (this writer is involved in the negotiations so cannot disclose the name of the paper) to the Chinese. The newspaper deal will involve a promise by the Chinese to not interfere in fact based reporting. The British are also trying to find a Chinese buyer interested in the British Telecoms’ landline infrastructure, among other things.

The British are further along in their negotiations with the Chinese than other Europeans but you can be sure the Greeks, then the Spanish, Italians and others will not be far behind.

Hungary is ahead of the rest of Europe in that they have already agreed to participate in the Chinese silk-road initiative to build extensive transportation infrastructure across Eurasia.

By contrast, Chinese and American negotiations over what parts of the US economy Chinese would be allowed to invest in failed last week. Chinese sources say this was because the Americans were unwilling to open enough sectors to Chinese investments. Pentagon sources say the negotiations failed because the Chinese were reluctant to start merging Chinese armed forces with the Pentagon. State Department sources added the Chinese were also still unwilling to open their financial markets sufficiently to Western financial institutions. Of course, seeing what damage Western financial institutions have caused around the world, Chinese reluctance to allow them free reign seems quite reasonable.

Even as this avalanche of Asian money looms over the world markets, there are still frantic moves afoot to try to keep the old Western system solvent. The latest move on that front, according to Japanese right wing sources, has been a request by the US Treasury Department that the Mitsubishi Group take-over the Union Bank of Switzerland. The problem is the Americans are not letting Mitsubishi do any real due diligence. The right winger recalls the same thing happened when the Japanese were asked to bail out Merrill Lynch. “They are just asking us to fill in a black hole,” he complained.

The Mitsubishi Group, with its close ties to David Rockefeller, is the main force behind the Abe slave regime in Japan, according to multiple sources here. Abe, because of his low IQ, was sent to the low prestige Seikei University founded by the Mitubishi Group as a favor to his war criminal grandfather. It appears forcing Mitsubishi to buy UBS is payback for the US campaign to allow Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to start exporting weapons.

The military build-up in Japan is part of a plan first proposed by Senior Nazi cabalist Richard Armitage more than a decade ago. The Abe government is betting its final energy on laws aimed at integrating the Japanese military with the US military. These are expected to be pushed strongly over the summer.

However, there are growing signs in Japan of revolt against the Shinzo Abe slave government. Recently two separate nationally broadcast television shows openly stated the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was the result of deliberate sabotage.

Also, several people who recently met Abe said he was looking very frail from his intestinal illness.

There is a concrete scenario to replace Abe this autumn, according to several Japanese power brokers. The details are still being kept secret but the P2 Freemason lodge, MI6, Asian secret societies, the Japanese yakuza and other factions are pushing this scenario. Only a few top level Khazarian slaves remain in support of Abe now. Their names have been noted and they will be asked to step aside this autumn.

Also the P2 Freemason lodge and the Vatican are negotiating deals with the Russians and the Pentagon to make sure the West retains an equal say with Asia in the emerging new international financial, economic and political system. The fact that UBS is linked to the Teutonic Knights and thus to the P2 lodge is a clear indication the Vatican is pushing for Japanese backing (money) to ensure we do not end up with a one China world.

To this end Russia’s Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis on June 10th to push for an East West Christian bloc, according to Pentagon sources. Both are now going to pressure US President Barack Obama to disengage in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere so that the Christian West can form a unified bloc, the sources said.

In addition to this, the take down of the Khazarian gangsters and their proxies in the Middle East, Europe, the US and Israel continues to unfold. In the latest development, the United Nations has de facto charged Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu with being a war criminal.

His arrest is expected to take place once the final elements of his nuclear blackmail network are dismantled. Pentagon sources say the dismantling is almost complete and that Netanyahu would be in jail “sooner rather than later.”

We also have confirmation on a Mossad linked site that Israeli proxy forces are threatening to kill innocent civilians in an attempt to stop a military campaign.

This is exactly the sort of tactic that led to war crimes charges being filed against so many rank and file Nazis.

There was also a military mutiny against the Khazarian pseudo-Muslim government in Saudi Arabia last week in what is expected to be an avalanche of military defections against that regime.

There was also another sign that pressure was mounting on the top Khazarian Bush and Clinton mob families. Pentagon sources say Walter Scheib, the chef who catered to Bill Clinton and Bush Jr. for 11 years, was murdered last week in a futile attempt by these mobsters to cover their tracks.

Finally, a crack-down on Satanists has led to the arrest of over a thousand pedophiles in the US last week.

This follows the arrest of more than 600 in the UK last year.

In the UK as well, efforts to protect a high powered child molesting politician were overturned last week by rank and file pressure.

Scientists Believe Up to Half of Research-Based Literature Is Simply Untrue

28th June 2015

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Corruption undermining science.

In a perfect world, science would have unlimited funding, free from corporations or special interest groups, where all studies would be truly objective and unbiased. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Financing by private companies, or those who have a vested interest in the outcome of the research, often leads to biased conclusions which favor the sponsor of the study.

Take for example a pharmaceutical company paying for a new drug to treat depression. When the track record of such research is examined, we find studies backed by the pharmaceutical industry tend to show partiality toward the drug under consideration, whereas research sponsored by government grants or charitable organizations is prone to draw more objective conclusions.¹

In a similar fashion, research financed by the food industry often favors the food under investigation compared to inquiries that are independently sponsored.²

Bad science

“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”³ ~ Linus Pauling, PhD, and two-time Nobel Prize winner.

Dr. Marcia Angell, physician and longtime editor in chief of the New England Medical Journal, feels that objective research has taken a turn for the worse:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”

And John P.A. loannidis, a professor in disease prevention at Standford University School of Medicine, writes that most published research findings are false, due to several criteria — including “greater financial and other interest and prejudice.” He also states that “for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias.”

Another critique of our current scientific method is found with Richard Horton, editor in chief of The Lancet, who states, “much of scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue,” in the April 15th, 2015 edition of the journal. He lists a a variety of reasons for this failure: studies with small sample sizes, flagrant conflicts of interest and an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance. Horton adds, “as one participant put it, “poor methods get results.”’

Moreover, ScienceDaily reports that a study at the University of Michigan found that nearly one-third of cancer research published in high-profile journals have conflicts of interest. The research team examined 1,534 cancer studies published in well-respected journals.The most frequent type of conflict is with industry funding (17% of the papers). Twelve percent of the papers were in conflict because the author was an industry employee. And randomized trials were more likely to have positive findings when conflicts of interest were present.

Reshma Jagsi, M.D., D.Phil., and author of the University of Michigan study, feels that “merely disclosing conflicts is probably not enough. It’s becoming increasingly clear that we need to look more at how we can disentangle cancer research from industry ties.”

Jagsi believes that research has become corrupted by designing industry-funded studies in such a manner that’s likely to yield favorable results. Researchers may also be more inclined to publish positive outcomes while overlooking negative results.

“In light of these findings, we as a society may wish to rethink how we want our research efforts to be funded and directed. It has been very hard to secure research funding, especially in recent years, so it’s been only natural for researchers to turn to industry. If we wish to minimize the potential for bias, we need to increase other sources of support. Medical research is ultimately a common endeavor that benefits all of society, so it seems only appropriate that we should be funding it through general revenues rather than expecting the market to provide,” Jagsi says.

When all is said and done, we may question whether privately funded research should be dismissed altogether. Most likely, no. But we can consider the advice presented in Understanding Science by the University of California at Berkeley:

“Ultimately, misleading results will be corrected as science proceeds; however, this process takes time. Meanwhile, it pays to scrutinize studies funded by industry or special interest groups with extra care. So don’t, for example, brush off a study of cell phone safety just because it was funded by a cell phone manufacturer — but do ask some careful questions about the research before jumping on the bandwagon. Are the results consistent with other independently funded studies? Does the study seem fairly designed? What do other scientists have to say about this research? A little scrutiny can go a long way towards identifying bias associated with funding source.”

Nature is Speaking

Thanks to FKTV

"The message was simple: People need nature. More than 20 years later, this simple message is more important than ever.

"The environment has become a political, polarizing issue. It's time to change the conversation about nature to focus on what we all have in common: our shared humanity.

"This is at the heart of CI's mission, and that's why I've been on the board for more than 20 years and currently serve as Vice Chair."

-- Harrison Ford - See more at:

"The message was simple: People need nature. More than 20 years later, this simple message is more important than ever.

"The environment has become a political, polarizing issue. It's time to change the conversation about nature to focus on what we all have in common: our shared humanity.

"This is at the heart of CI's mission, and that's why I've been on the board for more than 20 years and currently serve as Vice Chair."

-- Harrison Ford -

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5 Attachments to Release on the Path of Enlightenment

25th June 2015

By Wes Annac

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

You probably don’t need me to tell you that spirituality isn’t all about feeling positive or uplifted. The enlightenment path requires us to sacrifice things that hold us back and keep us from making spiritual progress, and maybe this is where the literal notion of religious sacrifice first originated; from the external and even internal sacrifices we have to make on the enlightenment path.

Why do we have to make sacrifices on the spiritual path? Because there are a lot of things here on Earth that stop us from making genuine progress toward enlightenment, so we are best to release or avoid these things if we want to elevate our consciousness and contribute to the awakening of others.The purpose of self-sacrifice isn’t to boss ourselves around or give up things we cherish, unless they cause serious damage – it’s to detach from things that are destructive or which hold us back, so we can make room for more wholesome elements in our life, that accelerate our evolution.

Here, I’ll discuss five things you’ll want to consider releasing from your life, if your goal is to walk a spiritual path without falling back into limiting habits and mindsets. Taking steps to rid ourselves of these attachments right now will allow us to forge ahead with strength and clarity. Over time, they will fade away and eventually stop influencing our lives.

5 Attachments to Release on the Path of Enlightenment

1. Negative or Toxic People

I’m sure we all know someone who seems overly negative or constantly upset with life. Energetically speaking, we’ll want to keep our distance from them for the sake of our spiritual growth.

We’re all subconsciously connected, and the words and actions of people we’re close with can affect us in a deeper way than we realize. When we’re around other people, we tend to be influenced (subconsciously or otherwise) by their expressions and, sometimes, their outbursts. If we aren’t careful, we can end up repeating or reflecting their behavior and energy, find ourselves frustrated with life or with the people around us, without even realizing we were influenced by someone else’s negativity.

With all of this said, we should remember that the issue isn’t always black and white. We might have a loved one who means a lot to us but who tends to dwell in negativity, or who has random or not so random outbursts (or their opinion on any issue may just be too pessimistic to take). We don’t want to abandon our family or people we’re close with just because of their (relative) negativity, so we’ll have to find some kind of middle ground. We don’t want to spend so much time with them that they start to influence us, but we don’t want to avoid them just because we don’t like how they feel, or express themselves.

Walking a true path of enlightenment, we’ll want to stay balanced and listen to our intuition when we’re met with any difficult relationships and circumstances. Our intuition will help us to make the best and most helpful decisions to our spiritual wellbeing. It is also possible to spend time with a pessimistic or angry loved one while finding ways to stay impervious to their negativity.

[For more information, please see the article: Tired of Being a Negativity Sponge? 12 Ways to Prevent Energy Infiltration and Reclaim Your Energy.]

2. Sugary, Artificial, Processed and GMO Foods

It’s no secret that our modern society is filled with cheap, fake foods that make big food corporations money while slowly poisoning us and ensuring that we’ll be sick (ie. good medical/pharmaceutical customers) when we’re older. Not to mention the health dangers associated with genetically modified foods.

These foods don’t just hurt our physical health, they’re a detriment to our spiritual health as well — because mind, body and spirit are one. What we put into our bodies affects us deeply on a mental, emotional and spiritual level, and if we want to be clearheaded as we go throughout our day or we want our meditations to be more potent, then clean, healthy and preferably organic food is our best bet.

We’ll also want to avoid unhealthy eating habits, like eating too much, too fast, too late at night, and without mindfulness and gratitude. We don’t often realize how these factors affect us while we’re eating, but the effects make themselves known at a later time when we don’t feel our best (and can’t understand why.)

I’m not trying to be one of those food snobs who tells you how to live your life, and while I try to be healthy. I have eaten as much fake, sugary food as anyone else. I’ve felt firsthand the difference between healthy and unhealthy food — the first choice gives us energy, clarity, vitality and an enhanced sense of passion while the latter pleases our taste buds before dulling our sense, making us feel lazy and tired.

3. Television and Excessive Technological Stimulation

Watching television is one of the most destructive things a spiritual seeker can do. Again, I don’t want to tell you how to live, but a lot of things in this world seem intentionally designed to keep people unhealthy, disempowered and unthinking. Television in particular dumbs us down while keeping us fixed on the artificial reality we’re presented with — a reality that’s usually violent, over-dramatized, fear-inducing, hypersexual or just plain juvenile.

[For more information, please see the article: Digital Deception – Can You Trust What You See?]

Undoubtedly, spiritual seekers would benefit from avoiding TV and immersion in other kind of technological stimulation, but realistically, there will always be times when we have to use technology. Like most writers, most of my work is done on a computer, but when I’m done working for the day, I can always get outside, go to a spot in nature, ride my bicycle and generally detach from artificial technologies. It’s important to reconnect with nature, which technology can prevent, because it is our true home; it provides everything we’ll ever need for survival or leisure. That is nature’s way.

We can’t reconnect with nature if we’re too busy staring into the TV, our smartphones or any other gadget that distracts us from life, so we’ll want to put these things down sometimes and rediscover reality.

[For tips on reconnecting with the Earth, check out the article Conscious Connection – A Practical Guide To Grounding Your Energy.]

4. Laziness

I know that fatigue is sometimes unavoidable, and we never want to feel it when it comes along. However, there are driving factors that we’ll want to be on the lookout for if we don’t want laziness to bring us down and impede our journey of enlightenment.

While the advice we’ve been given from various spiritual teachers to ‘become nothing’ is helpful on the path, I believe we should be active in the midst of all of our experiences and spiritual practices that reconnect us with nothingness. Exercising a little each day is highly beneficial to our physical and spiritual wellbeing, and is known to help reduce fatigue, which in turn helps to boost our meditations and make those higher vibes easier to feel. Eating well is also crucial to your maintaining your personal energy.

Being active can also help us find a sense of purpose, and once we find what we want to do in life, we can enthusiastically pursue it with an active, awake perspective instead of sitting down on the couch to be entertained by whatever reality TV show is on.

[For more on this, please see the article: Transpersonal Purpose and the Impulse for Spiritual Development.]

Being active is an important part of our spiritual evolution, and laziness or fatigue won’t go away until we take steps to actively release ourselves from the patterns that keep us feeling that way. It might require us to step outside of our comfort zone, but we’ll see that it was worth it when we begin to feel better and the good vibes can flow in without being impeded by our choices.

5. Suppressing Negativity or Avoiding the ‘Shadow Self’

We all have a ‘shadow self’, which is the aspect of our personality that’s constantly negative, hurtful, narcissistic, etc. Contrary to what you might assume, I’m not encouraging us to give it up; I’m encouraging us to give up trying to suppress it. The ‘shadow’ is a crucial part of our selves that we must learn to embrace, heal and release.

How we handle this is our choice entirely, and we can do it with grace, patience, and most importantly, centeredness. When we deal with these kinds of situations, leaving our center can cause us to lose ourselves in the emotional fray. In embracing the shadow self, we’ll also want to stop avoiding the negative, difficult or confronting situations we have to deal with in our lives. No matter how hard we try to stay ‘happy’ or aligned with our higher consciousness, we’re going to have to deal with negative situations that we’d rather sweep under the rug, sooner or later. It’s up to us.

Our destructive tendency to suppress negative situations or even the negativity we carry within ourselves will stifle our spiritual growth in the long run. So let’s give it up and willingly confront any negativity that comes our way – from the world or from within.

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