Interesting Articles and Videos 3rd May

Interesting Articles and Videos 3rd May

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

The Secret of Remote Viewing

Imagine going on vacation to Greece. You are

staying in a stunning white villa overlooking the

crystal blue waters of the sea.. The sun is reflecting

on the water and sparkling like diamonds...

What if you could check out your vacation spot...

(And not with brochures or old photos) before

booking your trip...

If you are skilled in Astral Projection or Remote Viewing,

You can do Exactly That!

And so much more...

When you practice Remote Viewing, you can

see your target as clearly as you see these words...

So what is the secret to achieving vivid clarity and detail?

Practice visualization.

It sounds really simple, but spending just a few minutes

each day on this practice will train your brain to bring back

more detail, color and clarity every time you remote view

or project to a target.

Start with a memory.

Imagine the last time you ate an orange.

See the orange in your mind. See how bright the color is,

the dimples in the skin of the orange, fell the texture and

the weight of it in your hand. Peel the skin back. Hear the

sound it makes and smell the citrus of the fruit. Make

every detail as bright and vivid as possible.

This may be difficult at first and you may not be able to hold

all of the details in you mind. But as you practice, you will

find that it becomes easier and your visualizations will

become brighter and your mind will hold more details at

one time.

Move on to other memories. Visualize a room in your house

or a place that you have been. What does it smell like? What

types of sounds are in the vicinity? How does the room feel in

contrast to your current location? Take in all the details. Go

back to the area you practiced on if possible and see what you


Your consciousness will begin to extend beyond the boundaries

of your physical body to absorb this data.

Try it out! I think you will be amazed at the difference this will

make when you go back to practice remote viewing and astral


I can't wait to hear about your experiences with this technique!

Good Journeys,

Eric Robison

Author of Bending God: A Memoir




A New Kind Of Society

You will like this man, and will want to listen to all 18 minutes.

I have been following Stuart Hill's activities for several years.

This guy has taken the UK government to court on many occasions,

and has eventually always won.

He first proved that the island of Forvik is not part of Scotland, and is an independent state, so he issues passports etc.

But now he has gone on to prove that The Shetlands are not part of Scotland.

This involves North Sea Oil!!

This video makes huge inroads into British and especially Scottish politics.

He clearly demonstrates that we are all slaves to a few bankers,

and if everyone knew that, their game would be up.


And whilst initially this may seem like a local affair, Stuart does explain that there are important international connotations that it is imperative for people to know about.

He explains a whole new ball game relevant to everyone in every nation in just a few minutes.

So it will help everyone with an IQ above room temperature to circulate this to other similar folk.

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