Sunday Family Humour 19th April Page 2

Sunday Family Humour 19th April Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Jim R's Gallery

Thanks to Jim R.

ET The Walrus Speaks

Thanks to FKTV

Listen to E.T. the walrus practice his vocalizations.

When an oil crew in Alaska found E.T. in the early '80s, he was starving. Oil workers named

him after the star of the hit movie.

Since then, employees of Tacoma, Wash's Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium have nursed E.T. back to

health, and a weight of 1,500 kilograms.

Video (1 minute):

Georgeous Red Lands of China

Thanks to Lee

Gorgeous Red Lands of China

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Owners arrive home too soon

Thanks to Paula M.

Flight attendant

Thanks to Paula M.

If you are taking a trip soon, you'll want to fly with this woman.

The All New I-Gun

Thanks to Paul S.

Sea Spitfire

Thanks to David H.

What a thrill for this restorer when he saw his work fly for the first time since 1950.

Brilliant work! The only flying one of its kind in the world!

The sound of this plane is incredible - nothing beats the sound of a Spitfire's Merlin Engine.

This aircraft, the Seafire, got its name from the "Sea Spitfire".

The land based Spitfire was modified with a tail hook added and folding wings, so it could be flown from and onto carriers at sea.

What a project! Beautiful aircraft! The Seafire XV

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