Sunday Family Humour 8th February Page 2

Sunday Family Humour 8th February Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Aussie Laughs

Thanks to David H.

Car Grinder

Thanks to David H.

Got any old cars you don't want?

You have got to see this Car Grinder. This mechanical monster is evidently replacing the car crusher.

Remember those big loads of flattened cars on 18 wheelers going down the highway?

May be a thing of the past.

This sucker even grinds up engine blocks.

I don't know what powers it, but there has to be a lot of ratio gearing to keep it moving.

It reverses now and then to clear the hard core debris that gets stuck.

For those of you who've always been intrigued by wood chippers,

stump grinders, rock wheels, and other machines of destruction…

we bring you the Car Grinder

Pilot's View of the World

Thanks to Lee

Pilots View of the World

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Thanks to Paula M.

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Clever Cartoons - Bob the Hamster

Thanks to David M.

Put a Smile on Your Face

Thanks to John C.

Put a Smile On Your Face

Escaping Death

Thanks to Spike

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Joseph B.

Marya F.

Harriet H.


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