Interesting Articles and Videos 10th May

Interesting Articles and Videos 10th May

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

It's just like riding a bike

Thanks to Tony H. and Ray O'.

Tryit! You'll like it

Ever hear that phrase "It's just like riding a bike?" It turns out riding a bike isn't actually all that easy. Take this bike, for example. It looks like an ordinary bicycle but with one tiny difference. You may think you can ride it, but I guarantee you're wrong.

Drink Warm Water With lemon For A Year

If You Drink Warm Water With lemon For A Year Here is What Will Happen

Lemon water is one of my favorite drinks, it not only quenches thirst better than any other drink, but it nourished our bodies so much more than you would ever believe. Unbelievable things happen when you drink it.

Upon waking our bodily tissues, are dehydrated and are in need of water to push out toxins and rejuvenate the cells.

1. Helps Balance ph

Lemons are incredible alkaline foods. They may be acidic on their own, but inside the body they are alkaline.

2. Aids Digestion

Warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis, the waves of the muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keeps things moving. Lemons are high in minerals and vitamins that help to loosen the ama or toxins, in the digestive tract.

3. Clears Skin

The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood that helps keep skin clear as well.

4. Boosts your Immune System

Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They are high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium helps control blood pressure. It is known to have anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms plus it enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function.

5. Provides the body with electrolytes that hydrate your body.

6. It is good for the joints, and reducing pain in the joints and muscles.

7. Produces more enzymes from water than food.

8. Help lower blood pressure.

9. Helps to prevent cancer.

10. Aids in weight loss.

11. Helps to dissolve gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatic stones, and calcium deposits.

12. Helps to relieve heartburn.

13. Helps to dilute uric acid, the built up of which leads to pain in the joints.

14. Promotes healing

Just like what it does for the skin to be blemish-free and scar-free. It also helps in healing and maintaining healthy bones, tissues and cartilages.

Lemons are wonderful for the body, but it is very important to dilute it with water; warm water is one of the components that makes this pair so wonderful for the body. Take Half a cup of warm water and squeeze in at least half a lemon’s worth of juice.

It is important to drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, I like to do this the night before and leave the water on my bedside table. This way before my feet even touch the floor I have my water, and I am ready to take on the day.


Incredible Pictures from The American West --1870's

Amazing work, especially when in one photo you can view the donkey-led

wagon used by this gifted photographer, to process his film (not glass plates)

along his laborious way through the early west.

And that with one photograph that you will view in this sampling,

he photo-documented a much earlier passage, about which history books

have not alerted us ... which reminds us of the fact that the Smithsonian

Museum folks have a very well secured storehouse (nee museum),

full of a variety of physical evidence of much early-on civilization on this

continent, prior the European white man's intrusions

onto the North American landscape.

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Undeniable evidence - withheld 9/11

The live footage they made disappear

Unslave me/Brasscheck

BrasscheckTV Report - Communities Working Together

When communities get back in the mindset of working together to get objectives done, great things happen. A lot of things are being conducted the wrong way on a global and national level, and taking action on the local level could be the answer.

Start Something Together

"Transition Town Totnes"

- See more at:

"The Middle Pillar is the person you always wanted to be... And You Are."

Your thoughts, the things that you experience in your life, are what makes your frequency...

Your energy.

Everything you smell, hear, see, taste and touch is turned into electricity.

Everything about your physical body is designed to convert this dimension into energy...

Because what are you?

You're an energy being...

You're an energy being that is existing within a physical body made of living organisms.

Not one part of what you think physically is you... is you.

It's other living organisms that are symbiotically working with you.

You are simply the energy.

Your body is saying, okay, we're going to work with you. We're going to kind of do what you want.

But, believe me, not everything you want is really from you. Half of what you want is the will of all of these millions

of organisms, and this brain that has its own personalities and desires in there too.

The reality is finding out who you are inside of all of this.

Most people never discover that. They remain automated. And that's what is called a 'Sleeper'.

A person who is awakened is someone who acknowledges that this is not completely who they are.

They look at their hands and they open them and close them and they realize that it's a machine.

If we were to remove ourselves from this organism, all of this flesh and matter, what would we be?

We would be energy.

Would we have ears to hear sound in this dimension? No.

Would we have nasal glands to smell in this dimension? No.

Would we have eyes to see the structural detail of this dimension? No.

So we could not experience this dimension if it wasn't for this organism that's designed to hold our electrical energy.

Everything you smell, everything you hear, everything you taste, everything you feel is converted for you

as an electrical being to add to what you are.

And the more that you can conceive...

The more that you realize what you are...

The more that you reflect that there is more to life than what you see on the surface through your five senses...

You will begin to develop a sixth sense, a sense of knowing.

That sense of knowing is what allows you to understand and explore life beyond this dimension.

And the more that you reflect of what you are, the more you become of that. And the more you become that, the

more conscious you are of what you really are and thus reality around you begins to change.

It is the first doorway...

And we welcome you..

Good Journeys,

Eric Robison

Author of Bending God: A Memoir

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