Sunday Family Humour 12th July Page 2

Sunday Family Humour 12th July Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

So what's so strange?

Thanks to Ray O'.

The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in

a robe, before you start looking like a mental patient.

My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations. I'm

pretty sure she was hitting on me.

My 60 year kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I'm worried about the 195 lbs.

I've gained.

I'm getting kind of tired always slowly raising my hand when someone asks, "Who

does something like that? !?"

I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters.. do they just

give you a bra and say, "here fill this out"..?

Four-time NASCAR Sprint Cup champion Jeff Gordon announced that this will be his final

season of racing. You could tell it was time for him to retire during his last

race when he had his blinker on the whole time.

The speed in which a woman says "nothing" when asked "What's wrong?" is inversely

proportional to the severity of the shit storm that's coming.

Denny's has a slogan, 'If it's your birthday, the meal is on us.' .....If you're in

Denny's and it's your birthday... your life sucks!

If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "Thank you" is all I need.....not all

this, "how did you get in my house" business!

The pharmacist asked me my birthday again today....Pretty sure she's going to get

me something.

On average, an American man will have sex two to three times a week; whereas a

Japanese man will have sex only one or two times a year. This is upsetting

news to me......I had no idea I was Japanese.

I can't understand why women are okay that JC Penny has an older women's

clothing line named, "Sag Harbor."

I think it's pretty cool how Chinese people made a language entirely out of


What is it about a car that makes people think we can't see them pick their


When I die I want to be reincarnated as a spider. Just so I can finally hear a

women say "Oh my God, it's huge!"

Train To Tibet

Thanks to Lee

Train to Tibet

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment

Thanks to Spike

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Cartoons With Thought

Thanks to Paul S.

Facebook In Real Life

Thanks to Paul S.

For those of my older generation who do not really comprehend why Facebook exists.

It's a way of sharing your life with thousands and making new friends.

Presently, I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the SAME PRINCIPLES.

Therefore, every day I go down on the street and tell the passers-by what I have eaten, how I feel, what I have done the night before and what I will do tomorrow night. Then I give them pictures of my family, my dog and me gardening and spending time in my pool.

I also listen to their conversations and I tell them I love them.

And it works.

I already have 3 persons following me: 2 police officers and a psychiatrist.

Duet with a Mosque

Thanks to Paula M.

A Sled dog sings along with the Imam.

Eggshell Sculpture

Thanks toFrancois P.

Eggshell Sculpture

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