Interesting Articles and Videos 4th October

Interesting Articles and Videos 4th October

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

The Path of Enlightenment: The Tale Of Two Monks

By Lorna Richard Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There is only one soul expressed in physical form. All is expressed in the One and the One is expressed in the ALL. That which is experiencing is also the thought. In the beginning was the ‘word’. The word is a thought. Prior to anything being made manifest in the physical, it is first the energy of a thought.

I am the thinker and the thought itself. I am, just as you are, the observer and the observed.

Duality is a perceptual lie. Right or wrong, good or bad is determined by one’s own indoctrination. Energy is just energy until the intellect observes is and defines it. Depending on the perspective of the individual’s beliefs and experiences, they determine whether they are in agreement or in disagreement. What makes an enemy an enemy?

As you sit here reading these words are you aware you are also observing yourself reading? The brain can only process that which it is willing to see.

What makes a person narrow-minded and short-sighted, or open-minded and expanded and long sighted?

A person that knows the truth is not in opposition to the truth nor held to a secret society. Those people that are truly interested in illumination are not interested in occult practices that are in violation of nature and natural law.

All man have been created equal. Notice I said, “All man”; this indicates that men and women regardless of race are created equal. Nothing in nature lives for itself. The sun shines to give life to the plant. The plant grows to give nourishment to the animal. When the plant dies it nurtures the soil and brings nourishment to microorganisms. The rivers do not flow for themselves. It is only the selfish egomaniac which does all for self-gratification. The ego becomes out of balance when a person loses their relationship with all things. Their brain function becomes limited to operating from the lower brain. These individuals are in survival mode. They see themselves as separate from the world driven by domination and jealousy. The fight for ownership throws off the balance of nature as wars are created. A person, an ethnic or religious group, holding themselves above another is in violation to Natural Laws, God’s Laws; all man are created equal; nothing in nature lives for itself.

All is indeed ONE!

A truly illuminated brain is not interested in dominance over the physical plane or oppression of another. These individuals are not interested in arguing for the sake of disagreeing. They are interested only in the expression of the ‘truth’.

Illumination is the act of bringing knowledge to the intellect. Illumination cannot be learned; it is not something that can be sought through listening to lectures or through scientific study. Illumination cannot be achieved via philosophical discourse. There is no book of knowledge that can bring you atonement and full illumination.

The person who has had full atonement, seeing from the ‘One Mind,’ the ‘God Mind” has had full realization of the self. A person that has had atonement can lead you to the gate but they cannot bring you to your knowing of self. The knowing of self is an inside job. An individual interested in illumination must have the willingness to let go of all that they think they know.

The fight of good and evil is not a fight at all. Light is information and the dark is the suppression of it.

My life journey has been a journey for the truth which centered on the following four questions.

Who am I?

What am I?

What is life?

What is God?

It was through my desire to know the answers to these questions that I came to know myself. My mind has had the opportunity to see from all perspectives, from consciousness itself. In this state of consciousness there is no conflict.

Have you heard of the tale of two monks?

There once were two most studious monks walking together on the path to illumination. They had been walking along a river path leading to their atonement all morning. The morning had been long and their silent contemplation non-eventful as they walked, listening to the water flowing in the stream. The two decided to stop and take a break from their silenced minds. They both desired to drink in the perfection of their journey.

The sun was high in the sky, shining a light of understanding, nourishing the mind and warming the body. As they stood facing each other content in their contemplation of this journey, one of the friends looks down. There written in the sand at his feet is a number 6. “Look, look!” he shouts to his friend, delighted in his discovery, “There is a number 6”. The second monk looks down to the symbol written in the sand and to his delight he sees a number 9. “Oh no,” he quickly replies to his friend, “that is not a ‘6’ it is a ‘9’”.

Who is right?

While the two are arguing, an eagle flying overhead looks down at the display. Laughing at the futility of the display below the eagle thinks to himself, “Those silly monks arguing and getting angry. If only they could expand their vision. They need to have my eagle’s eye view of what they are observing and interpreting. I am so much wiser than they for I see it fully”.

Then God, from the infinite awareness of the Soul and holding all thoughts and experiences, calls to the eagle from within.

Do not be so hasty in your judgment for you too are limited in your perception. It is I that have full vision and knowing. I am not limited by seeing with the eyes and thinking with the brain. The Soul is my eye of infinite awareness flowing through all life. My consciousness is the consciousness of all that has been experienced in all life times, all dimensions, and all realities. It is I that is not limited by time or space or limited by the physical expression – I see all and know all.

All expressions are adding to God’s experience. I am just as you are infinite potential, infinite awareness, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Holding fast to indoctrination and mental programming limits the expression of the Soul in physical form and limits the expansion of consciousness, keeping the brain and body in a holding pattern of discontent.

Perception is everything. The thing is, perception is limited to the body’s sensitivity to energy, which is directly affected by life circumstances. What a person believes about self has an effect on their state of consciousness and conscious awareness, which determines what and how the brain processes the information both internally and externally.

There could be 7 billion people watching the same movie at the same time seeing a different movie.

The brain is in the process of getting an upgrade, regardless of its attempted assassination by the pharmaceutical and chemical companies — companies owned by the psychopaths with an agenda of holding back evolution, supported by the ignorance of world government employees.

Unity Consciousness is not only possible it is a guarantee.

Why We Can’t Be Happy All the Time

By Alisa Hutton

“Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise.” ~Ram Dass

Suffering by definition: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. As humans we typically strive for what we perceive the opposite of suffering, happiness: the state of being happy. Of course why wouldn’t you? Nobody wants to suffer.

For many years I looked at the two as separate states of being. I felt if I was happy I would not suffer. Conversely, if I was suffering I could not be happy. It was a simple focus and one I felt was personally achievable. Easy, right? Choose happiness.

I systematically removed and stepped away from all people and experiences I felt were in some way not happy or causing me suffering. I left jobs and relationships with little notice, under the guise of “sorry, I am just not happy.”

I spent a great deal of time meditating, being mindful, and expressing gratitude. Not bad things to do but in my case perhaps slightly misguided. Filling my bucket, so to speak, with all things “happy.” I paraded myself and my Zen philosophy around like I was untouchable to suffering.

I would sit back and receive compliments on my “evolved” thinking and state of being. I would wake up and plan my day of “being happy.” I mindfully embraced my feelings and thoughts of, “This makes me feel unhappy; therefore, I must remove it from my life.” I did so without hesitation or regard.

This was all very delightful thinking until reality started knocking on my door. Thinking you can avoid suffering is kind of like thinking you control the ocean tide. Just in case you were wondering, you can’t.

I had several people close to me pass away. I tried, I really tried, to release it with happiness. I was sad though. The more I tried to “happy” through it, the more I suffered.

I fell in love, but I thought attachment would lead to suffering, so I denied my feelings and missed out on the possibility of a great relationship. The more I tried to “happy” through it, the more I suffered.

I came under a great deal of professional stress, so I quit everything. Just like that, I chose to “happy” through it. How brave and mindful of me. What happened? The more I tried to “happy” through it, the more I suffered.

I had created a perception to those around me and myself that I was happy, living in the present. So Zen. *So not Zen.*

You know those people who go to yoga every day and glide though life with a calm flow, but then you are driving with them one day and someone cuts them off and they lose their mind, waving their fist and swearing? That was me. I had even started to refer to myself as 80 percent Buddhist and the other 20 percent of the time was reserved for “other.”

For all intents and purposes I should have worn a t-shirt that said “happy most often with moments of reactive insanity.” I make light of it today, but it really was an ongoing and uncomfortable feeling of chasing happiness and justifying my unhappiness.

One day I was sitting having my morning coffee and I thought to myself I don’t get it. I try to be happy; I do all the things that are “supposed” to bring happiness. Why do I feel like I am on a pendulum swinging between happy and suffering?

Maybe part of happiness is not avoiding suffering? Maybe to experience happiness we actually have to experience everything else, including suffering. Then it hit me: Maybe my avoidance of suffering is actually causing me to continually suffer.

Maybe I don’t control the tide of the ocean; maybe I am supposed to just go with it.

What would happen if when I felt like I was suffering (hurt, fearful, or sad) I just went with that and stepped toward it rather than away from it? What if I didn’t dump the feelings and try to exchange them for happiness?

So that was what I started doing. I didn’t stop doing all the things that bring me happiness. I didn’t stop being a good person, being thoughtful or mindful. I didn’t stop being me. I suppose I started being more me.

I was learning to accept that suffering isn’t a bad thing, it is just part of life. Sometimes in order to appreciate happiness we have to experience unhappiness. We can’t say we are living if we are only choosing to allow in experiences and feelings that feel safe for us.

As I write this today, I can’t say that I have mastered some special skill or can even offer some great insight in to happiness. This time last year I probably would have told you I did know the answers to it and could have given you a “top ten” list on how to achieve happiness and avoid suffering.

I can offer my own experience. Happiness it isn’t a thing, just like suffering isn’t a thing. They are just feelings we experience. We either step toward them or we step away from them.

I wake up every day and for the most part I would say I am a happy person. I find many things during the day that fill my heart, make me smile and laugh. I also have just as many things that scare me and that make me feel uncomfortable, things that take bravery and make me feel vulnerable. This doesn’t make me anything except human, just like you.

I once viewed myself as a very unhappy and reactive person. I worked very hard to be an unreactive happy person.

There is a place in the middle that respects our entire being.

It is a place where we can be everything and anything.

It is place where we are gentle with ourselves and brave.

It is a place where we can embrace it all, with the understanding that each thread is important in weaving our story.

Rather than chasing happiness or running from suffering there is another place we can go, an action we can take. I almost feel foolish for missing it for so long, as it is simple. It is called being yourself. It is a humble place, a sometimes scary place, a gentle place, and a place full of wonder, love, and opportunity.

All you have to do is simply be yourself.

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