Connectivity structures of quantum entanglement

S. Dugowson 

June 18, 2014

[pour la version française, cliquer ici]

I presented this work in three slightly different lectures : 

The following videos were recorded after those lectures, but with approximately the same content.

S. Dugowson



The videos and the pictures of this page are intended to give a brief introduction (in English) to the text (in French) entitled 

"Structures connectives de l'intrication quantique" (46 pages). 

Thank the user to excuse the imperfections of these videos, slightly wobbly and fuzzy, and to excuse my poor English too. In doubt, thank you to refer to the text.

The prezi document can be found there :

Connectivity Structure of Quantum Entanglement (July 19, 2014)

Table of content

More detailed table of content


Plan of the lecture

Connectivity Spaces



Brunn's theorem


Connectivity order

Two general quantum formalisms for entanglement

Common aspects of the two formalisms

Quantum systems


Composite systems

State vector formalism


Projective measurement

Composite systems and entanglement

Density operator formalism


Projective measurement

Composite systems and entanglement

Connectivity Structures of Entangled Quantum States

Disentanglement connectivity structures

Aravind's idea

J-states and their partial separability

Entanglement types on J of a global state

Disentanglement connectivity structure on I

Example 1 : EPR

Example 2 : GHZ

Density connectivity structures

Correlation and entanglement of a density state on J

Correlation connectivity structure

Entanglement connectivity structure


Connectivity structures of multi-local devices

Multi-local devices


Sub-devices. Tensor product.

Quantum experiments as multilocal devices

Tensorial structures

Separability and locality

Definition of tensorial connectivity structures 


The non-partially separable (NPS) connectivity structure,

the non-quasi separable (NQS) connectivity structure 

and the non-separable (NS) connectivity structure of 

three multi-local devices : EPR1, EPR2, GHZ and K.

For of the EPR1 multi-local device, 

the non-partially separable (NPS) connectivity structure 

and the non-quasi separable (NQS) connectivity structure 

are discrete... This fact can be understood as the source of 

the Bertlmann's socks argument

Ludic structures

Domanial structures


Connectivity Structures of Families of Random Variables

Recapitulative table


Exercise : complete this table (click to enlarge)

Some connectivity structures of the GHZ state are the borromean one.

A state of connectivity order 2



Text and "prezientation" associate with this lecture

HAL : S. Dugowson, "Structures connectives de l'intrication quantique" (July 19, 2014) : pdf

Prezi : Connectivity Structure of Quantum Entanglement (July 19, 2014)

Other references

Detailed table of content