
Haruma Henry

Project Description

In the era of pharmaceutical, pornographic, and legislative control over the body, no body is natural. Just as gender is constructed, authenticity is a label granted to those whose bodies uphold the regime of curated sexual dimorphism. By placing explicitly transsexual/intersexed sex dolls within the Cis-Hetero tradition of marriage, there is the subversion and challenging of what these bodies should look like. My written portion delves into an exploration of the fallacies within modern gender as well as a Marxist perspective on how and why society upholds this construct.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

I won the Sundiata award!

Who was supporting you in your work?

Kenneth White was my professor for the Senior Seminar Class and was absolutely lovely. It was fairly free-range in my case as I had a very clear vision of what I wanted to create, but talking to him gave me opportunity to further develop my concept in a multidisciplinary way.

Project Themes:

Research, Creative

How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

I have always had a deep fascination with doll making, but the chance to actually create my own completely solidified my love of them.

What would you do differently? 

I wasted so much time trying to cast my dolls in plaster so I would completely ditch the need to do things “professionally” and focus on what is both realistic and practical.

How was the experience connected to your work? 

This work was very theoretically heavy, and I would like to expand upon my writings to create future iterations that more wholly encompasses the gamut of topics I was hoping to cover.