Beginner's Luck

Tiffany Judge

Project Description

My capstone project will positively impact the queer young adult community. I focused on the feelings emerging when questioning one's sexuality and the rushed notion of growing up and apart. The story delves into what it means to have an attraction for someone suddenly and unexpectedly. I cover the morality of living presently and the negative impact of staying in a relationship while exploring other options. My experience while writing and filming were periods of stillness and chaos. One can become confused and then feel shunned once a part of an identity becomes unveiled. Ultimately, we face it and accept all aspects of our shifting identities. I knew my first short film had to cover sexuality and the euphoric emotions that rush into our lives.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

No outcomes have happened. I plan to share the project with festivals this coming year.

Who was supporting you in your work?

James Kienitz Wilkins Assistant Professor of Screen Studies, Nathan Fitch Assistant Professor of Screen Studies

Project Themes:


How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

I believe my short film has been impactful by embodying young love. It visually conveys the feelings of isolation, anxiety, and the longing to take risks. No one is perfect, as the two women share conversations that scratch the surface of navigating forgiveness, accountability, and transformation. Additionally, by working with other students on the project, I have made long-lasting connections. I have learned how to collaborate better and the importance of improvisation when it comes to DIY filmmaking. It has shown me the possibilities when working with other upcoming filmmakers that share the passion and understand the story. Sharing my story with family, friends, and strangers has confirmed the themes I wanted to hit. Also, because a lot of inspiration was drawn from people I love, they got to keep and understand it in their way.

What would you do differently? 

I would have revised my budget with either a professor or a friend considering I spent more than how much I requested. For example, it's hard to plan how many potential rides you'll need to move equipment or food for extra crew. Having more detailed spreadsheets so everyone is on the same page for the shoot days is helpful, especially if you're trying to direct by yourself. Also, test all equipment on location in advance because I had an audio fail on site and had to improvise the day of. Lastly, give yourself enough time for editing because I think that's what made my film strong. It was vital to have months to reflect on the material because I could add more scenes with a sharper creative vision. Post-production is not something to rush but to enjoy.

Short summary of your experience:

My experience was pretty great considering it was my first time applying for a grant. The templates for the budget sheet were very helpful and I now feel more confident to apply for other grant opportunities.

This is a behind the scenes photo of another challenging scene. The two actors are embracing each other intimately, and its a dramatic moment for everyone involved. We were also dealing with shooting in the stairwell of my building, so there were many interruptions.