My Mother’s Recipe

Mae McKagan

Project Description

A journalistic cook book, comprised of 10 chef interviews and accompanying recipes. The theme being the influence of the mother figure in the kitchen, and how it affects chefs culinary careers.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

Hardcover book (4 copies)

My New School graduation photo.

Who was supporting you in your work and how did you work with them?

Anjali Khosla. By receiving constant feedback and ideas from Anjali, about things from page layout, interview questions, and so on.

Project Themes:


How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

I didn’t grow up with many traditional or passed down recipes, so it was enlightening to hear about the origins of food from different cultures. I tried to make an impact by interviewing extremely diverse chefs, so that hopefully readers have many alternate takeaways of cuisine and how it’s developed and preserved.

What would you do differently? 

I’m not sure, I’m very happy with how the results came out.

Short summary of your experience:

I genuinely enjoyed myself throughout the process, and learned a lot about cuisine. I’m happy I made hardcover books so I’ll have a physical copy forever and be able to share with others.

Cover of my book