Alan Ho

Lang Arts Senior Work

Fishes Reading: An Absurdist Exploration of Cultural Displacement

Thesis Scenes.mp4

Alan Ho was born in San Francisco to parents from Mainland China, and raised in Hong Kong attending an international school. Throughout his life he has been impacted by an array of cultural influences, from the more traditional Chinese background of his family to the world of international culture he experienced attending school in Hong Kong, and through his own exploration on the internet. He finds interest in the ways in which two cultures that are seemingly opposite and conflicting on the surface can actually mirror each other and intersect in a variety of ways. He likes exploring the strange and absurd distortions of culture that he experiences as a dual citizen of both Hong Kong and the United States, embracing the sense of alienation each culture may experience with the other. He aims to explore a borderless perception of the world through his art. Taking the strange and specific elements of different cultures and putting them together with love. His creations are highly influenced by the philosophy of absurdism and he aims to find a sense of hope and lightness in the purposelessness and chaos of human life. As of now he has no main medium of creation, and is still exploring which medium may suit his work the best in the long term.