Margaux Bang

Lang Arts Senior Work



A virtual art gallery on Instagram where I have re-interpreted daily tweets by Donald J Trump. For this project, I asked some friends to provide me with a set of instructions to interpret a tweet of my choosing. I created an AI-generated impersonation, baked a cake with my less dominant hand, made a drawing that needed to be “neutral”, created a decision tree based on the definition of incompetence, wrote a children’s book, created a drinking game and more. More than anything else, the limitations that were placed upon me allowed me to reflect in an introspective manner.

Through the process of interpretation, this collaborative initiative made me reconsider the various ways that my own upbringing has shaped my political ideologies. It was especially hard to create a drawing that was neutral, and that got me to reflect on how my own beliefs are shaped by the fact that the people I surround myself with share the same political opinions as I do, and by doing so, I am only furthering the divide that is prohibiting any progress from occurring in this country.

As I graduate college and venture out into the real world, I won’t always find myself in the company of people who share the same political opinions as I, and perhaps they will challenge me and have me reconsider my own beliefs. This project made me realize that “cancel culture” is equally a threat to our democracy as the fake news media is. If there is one silver lining that came out of Trump’s presidency, is that it called attention to how radical the American news media is, and that if we want real change in this country, we need to encourage dialogue instead of cancelling people out for what they think.