Emma Engel

Lang Arts Senior Work

Intermittent Streams

Intermittent Streams is a work in progress, multi-media dance collage using film, music, and live movement.

Exploring the ways in which residue lives in my body, I am focusing on less of the initial impact of actions but on the traces left behind, and how these traces manifest in my psyche and affect my physical body. These residues are the materials which I find myself constantly processing, which I work with daily. They are both all around me in the world and submerged deep in my subconscious. This concept of residue is clearly visible in observing wind: we can never see the wind itself, only its traces. I am interested in puddles over rain, smoke over a flame, mist over boiling water, dried riverbeds over the rivers that once flowed there. I am interested in scars, ancestors, ghosts.

As I am now mostly constrained to my home, my experience is now dominantly residue. What lies in the past dictates my emotions. My reality has become this processing. The ephemeral rivers that only exist for a certain point in time now flow indefinitely and build the intimacy I hold with myself.

Live Dance May 6th Showing - Hosted at The Woods

IMG_8039 - Emma Engel.mov