Kasper Meacham

Lang Arts Senior Work


Chrome is a collection of songs that are a reflection of my identity and the experiences that have made me who I am today. This 4 song EP is a creative unpacking of my experiences with ‘code-switching’ as well as a conversation with activists and theorists I’ve studied throughout my time at Lang. I define ‘code-switching’ as the act of mirroring others and reflecting their speech, behavior, and mannerisms in order to navigate both white and black spaces. This project is inspired by the realization that continuous ‘code-switching’ has affected my perception of my identity. Chrome is a reflective, malleable, and durable coating on my body that’s just beginning to melt away.

Chrome is a 4 song EP outlining my experiences with ‘codeswitching’ as a black queer femme-presenting individual. Throughout my time at Lang, I’ve been interested in studying the connection between race and music. Questions like ‘how do we hear race?’ and ‘Why do we associate certain sounds with race?’ have led me to explore this question of code-switching sonically. I really enjoyed the process of constructing and researching my topic because it’s given me the opportunity to think critically and creatively about my life. It’s been incredibly rewarding to read black feminist theories on race. Audre Lorde’s Sister Outsider and Kimberle Crenshaw’s Mapping the Margins were my favorite to read because of how they highlighted the intersectional aspects of identity. Audre Lorde’s emphasis on the personal as valid and worthy really resonated with me. Creative expression and emotions are forms of protest against oppression. My project relates to Lorde’s argument because “Chrome” is a way for me to validate my own experiences and a form of protest as well. Researching ‘code-switching’ brought me all the way back to Dubois’ 1903 book The Souls of Black Folk. I was surprised by the connection between Dubois’ theory of “double consciousness'' and ‘code-switching,’ but I also think it is proof that racism hasn’t “gotten better,” but merely evolved and become more institutional.

Although the idea of my project was so clear, it’s honestly been a struggle to find spaces where I could record due to the pandemic. For the most part, it’s just been me, my MIDI keyboard, and my microphone in a DIY recording setup. The actual creative work (producing and writing songs) has been by far the most difficult part of this project. However, it’s also been so rewarding to express my thoughts and experiences creatively. I hope to explore this topic in future creative projects as well because I think there’s so much more to unpack.

Artist CV

Senior Capstone Project Concept and Liner Notes - Kasper Meacham