Christian (Cyan) Stainback

Lang Arts Senior Work

Vessel of Mourning

"Vessel of Mourning" - Christian

The Bristol Mary Dance Company, established in 2021 by Artistic Directors and Founders Christian Bristol Stainback and Emma Mary Engel, originates from the need to share and present work that represents authentic expression. Now more than ever, there is a need for a platform where creativity is celebrated and nurtured to share and foster unique ideas and expressions. "Bristol” means a meeting point at the bridge, and "Mary" derives from the word " beloved." Symbolically and literally, our company plans to focus on a meeting point to bridge an artistic community by sharing a love of dance and mutual thought processes. We aim to offer different perspectives from various ideologies (e.g., afro-futurism, multi-cultural living, and tolerance) using music and movement to create an atmosphere of storytelling. Our inner thoughts and feelings are revealed by creating multi-media work via themes of past-made-present, human history, and manifestation.

This work deals with grief, loss, body memory and the processes of labor that moves myself towards healing. In memory of my father and aunt. I have processed what choreography has uncovered for the memories of losing someone to cancer in front of my eyes, I have pondered what it would mean to grab attention to the severe moments in my life that have shaped myself as a professional dancer. What my body has attached to those memories and investigating this dialogue between mind and body that has shifted my consciousness to understand grief in a different way than just a period of time after someone's death, but more so a vessel for pain that can manifest something something beautiful yet unnerving. There is a validity to the way I handle death in public and behind closed doors. So to express that in my dance will be a fitting closing chapter to what I have dealt with throughout my college experience.

Instagram: @cyansoie & @bristolmary_dance