FOUND: Expressing Yourself Through Clothing 

Summer Safi

Project Description

FOUND is a zine that explores societal pressures in style and how someone pushes past those pressures. By overcoming those expectations, it allows for someone to find their own unique aesthetic. The majority of people included in this project were randomly found and interviewed on the streets of NYC, from Soho to Central Park. Each person was photographed and then asked about their personal style in terms of perception, impression and societal pressure.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

I was able to learn how to create a magazine and what goes into creating such a big project.

This is an image of me standing in front of my capstone project holding peace signs.

Who was supporting you in your work?

Lori Grinker, my capstone professor. She helped every step of the way with how to make the visuals and the graphics, along with making sure we had all the materials we need and the time we need to finish the project.

Project Themes:


How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

This project has allowed for me to realize how people appreciate it when others acknowledge the effort they put into their appearance.

What would you do differently? 

I would advise a student to start earlier to be able to get more interviews and photographs done and included in the project.

Short summary of your experience:

My experience was really hectic and busy as it was a lot of working getting the interviews, taking portraits, editing the portraits, and creating the design. Since I was making a zine, the project was also due earlier because of how it needed to be printed.

This is an image of me standing in front of my capstone project holding peace signs.