Sade Whittier

Lang Arts Senior Work

Words In Color


Is it what you say, or how you say it? As an instrumentalist and composer, I never paid hmuch attention to the way I speak. Just like there are colors with tones/pitches in music, there are colors with tone of voice in communication. We paint our words with emotion and release them into the world. Communication is art, and a two way street. We give and receive unique forms of expression in any language. My project aims to visualize communication, and show how versatile the human voice is without the use of expensive vocabulary. There are aspects of communication that come natural to us, and there are mannerisms that are taught to help us succeed in the modern world. Have you ever heard the term, "There's a time and place for everything?" If so, then you have successfully trained your voice to adapt to the many different 'times' and 'places' we come across in life.