Maisie May

Lang Arts Senior Work

I create music because first and foremost: it’s incredibly fun. After exploring Garageband on my Mom’s 2006 Mac Mini, my 10-year-old-self quickly discovered that every single part of producing a song was fun for me. Even back when the biggest problem I faced day to day was whether I should get Gushers or Twix from the cafeteria vending machine, I’ve always found that I learn something new about myself everytime a song gets finished. I can’t often put a name on an emotion until I hear myself singing about it. It has always been an incredibly strange and magical feeling that I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. It’s often a “Eureka” moment where I think, “Well, I guess I’m angry,” or sometimes it’s something hilariously specific like, “Well , I guess I was too scared to walk away from the false feeling of comfort I felt around them.” We all cope with and conceptualize conflict in varying, unique ways. It’s part of what makes the human experience so damn confusing, yet so damn beautiful. Whether we talk, write, sing, act, storytell, vent, cry, draw, paint, scream… choose your weapon. My choice weapon in the battle of grief has been and always will be creating sonic worlds that I can escape to. “Flying Without You,” is a taste of my dreamy synth-world that reveals many of my coming-of-age realizations. During the writing process of each song, I learned something new about myself which is one of the many reasons why I hold this music so close to my heart. My only hope is that it gives its listeners a space that they can easily float into and resonate with; a space where they can reflect and reminisce in their own special way.