Ava Trilling

Poetry Senior Work

I’m not really sure what being a writer is exactly. At least for me, I mean. I’ve always just kind of written. I guess you can say I have some narcissistic qualities, one of them being I am interested in pretty much anything that has to do with me and everything that goes on inside of my head.

who’s to blame for

my impulses

i want to point fingers

and i’m told this is


i miss when i

believed you

maybe i’ll turn to


i realize i’m horny

for anything that’s

bigger than me

DOES ADMITTING YOU’RE A NARCISSIST MAKE YOU LESS OF ONE? in it’s entirety is queer; it’s fluid and mobile, and though a closed and written text, can change in meaning depending on the reader and where the reader lies in their emotional state, or life in general.

the girl we

don’t speak of is

not pretty

nor interesting

all is whimsical to her

and i don’t buy it

i realize my intrigue

is merely to be

something sentimental

What is most present in this work is my obsession with the corporeal. The claustrophobia of being in one’s body. My poetry is physical whether it be about sex, being seen, being loved, being held, being intoxicated, or being stone-cold sober. I wish I could say this was intentional, that this was a well thought through and purposeful decision. It wasn’t. In fact, I realized this while selecting the order for, and revising, all of my poems for this manuscript.

a little discomfort

never hurt anybody

the rhythm of my chest

irregular and jazzy

with its pangs and

relentless hiccups

There is no concrete structure, no assumed reaction; it is simply a collection of words and ideas at their most stripped down and vulnerable core, put together in hopes of finding an eager, similar reader- who resonates with, and feels heard by my work.