ada bowman

Lang Arts Senior Work

transcripts of my interior

In the wake of the past year of confinement and solitude, I wanted to construct a work of art that dealt with my conflicting fear and desire towards aloneness. My aim was to collaborate with myself on as many possible levels, to experiment with different conditions and how they reflected a state of being alone. With the backdrop of my childhood house, I created a scrim to project videos compiled from the past few months of New York City landscapes and textures taken through binoculars. The binocular scene is one that speaks to longing and desire, it is a voyeurism not of pleasure but of solitude and access. It also is a sort of filtration of nostalgia, the image looks distant and unfocused, even a bit hazy. I chose to project these distant scenes onto a transparent scrim so the images could touch whatever surface behind it while being contained on the scrim.

With this footage I created a video, captioned by journal entries from quarantine in 2020. The video captures the tension between my perpetual longing for ""other"" homes, while illustrating the fragility and tenderness of life during such isolated times.