From the Back Rooms to the Superclubs:

the Impact of the UK's DJ Scene

Stevie Rowley

Project Description

My project shares the history of the DJ/night club scene in England during the 1980s and 1990s. It covers the impact of house music, how the scene began, the importance of it, and how the social and political implications that made this scene are reoccurring today.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

long form article, audio piece

The image I chose is me at Columbia Records. I had the pleasure of interning there during my final semester at TNS. I chose this image because in conjunction with this project I feel like I am on the right track to gaining a career in music. It's been a fulfilling year.

Who was supporting you in your work?

Anjali Khosla. Anjali was my capstone professor. She helped bring this story from an idea to a full project. She helped me edit my work, let bounce a million different ideas off of her, and helped me work through them all until I found the best option.

Project Themes:

Research, Creative

How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

This project has been personally impactful for me because it's allowing me a look into a history that directly affects my family. My dad was a DJ during this time, and was heavily involved with this scene. I've heard stories from this time since I was a child, so it's a full circle, almost surreal moment to be able to go back and get a full account of this history. Additionally, I think this story has proven why I wanted to study journalism and has proved what I can do.

What would you do differently?

If I was going to do something differently I would have gotten my supplemental materials organised earlier. I waited until the last few weeks to get all of my necessary supplies, so it's a bit stressful when you're waiting on shipping dates, etc. For a student who is doing something similar, I would advise them to get all the interviews out of the way first. Not only are these going to take the longest, but it's really hard to get started without them. As soon as you've got 10 interviews in the bag, you'll be in good shape.

Short summary of your experience:

A nostalgic, very hard, and rewarding process that has left me feeling ready to enter the work force.