Madison Major

Lang Arts Senior Work

hooded wonder records

From my first classes here at Lang, I have envisioned this project in many forms and many iterations. Taking in all the work that I have completed and labored on up until this point, I knew it should close at this cumulative point and end goal. I do work as a musician, but I have found great depths of fulfillment and joy through curating the works of others and making sure that there is a community that supports the endeavors of musical art. I really enjoy helping other independent artists, and I think my core values align with that idea. I will always be trying to help meaningful art be realized in the way that it deserves.

I have created the micro-label Hooded Wonder Records. Hooded Wonder Records is a specialty independent music label that focuses on embodied musical art forms and multi-faceted uses of recorded art to elongate the listening experience. It will also serve as an inevitable long-form documentary project of the curation of life within its culture and craft.

I have watched repeated patterns in the world that instill in me a sense of urgency to protect our listening practices as a culture and to try and support and protect the art and artists that make such meaningful experiences for us.

At the meeting point of urgency and awe, Hooded Wonder Records is born.

hooded wonder