Ella Kuether

Lang Arts Senior Work

Witness Me

Witness Me - Ella Kuether.mp4

"Witness Me" marks a process of experimentation and self-liberation. This dance is an opportunity to present myself onstage artistically. Using this process, I came up with a score that allowed for the intersections of femininity, sensuality, peace, ritual, and playfulness. "Witness Me" holds the ways we can creatively channel and unlock our personal energies. 

- Ella

My name is Ella Kuether. My work tends to focus on the expression, connection, and community art gives us. My background as a dancer and actress has fostered a love for the arts. My passion for media and producing has allowed me to strive for a life in the entertainment industry, while also upholding extreme skills of marketing, presentation, and collaboration.

Ella's website
Ella on Linkedin
Instagram: @ellakuether