Edda Sonja

Lang Arts Senior Work


The Sublime, Imagination, Belief & Natural Symbols

Edda Sonja was born in 1994 on a forest farm on the South coast of Iceland. She grew up learning the values that nature has to offer. Aesthetically, sublimely and symbolically she uses those resources as an inspiration for art. Edda has dedicated her studies to exploring the reasons, methods and minds behind creativity.

Nature’s Language exhibition proposal connects multiple layers of transparency that the world has to offer. The main resource for her project is her mother, Unnur. She was raised in a rural area on the East coast of Iceland where her family lived without electricity or running water so all of the resources came straight from nature. Unnur experienced different supernatural energy throughout her lifetime, and explains in her stories that “Hulduheimar” or “The Hidden World” play a significant role in her life. When she was a little girl she would play and talk to elves, hidden people and fairies.

In this project Edda has successfully established a language between the audience and mythical aspects of the earth. Over decades humans have interpreted the power of nature into a belief system but some may say it’s all just fantasy.

The photographs in the series were taken on her father's forty years old Canon 35MM. Edda captures the energy that is the essence of “The Hidden World” which has naturally been exposed as light with strong colors.

Growing up Edda was exposed to masterpieces of landscape paintings that were solely in gold decorative frames. To put her own art on the same pedestal, she brings out the irony of controlling the historical values of her artwork.

The difference between radiation energy and life which originates from material, is up to humans to articulate. Which has an advantage of creating a relationship with the earth in order to protect it. Edda plans on creating different volumes of The Natures Language in the future and to disclose the power of our worlds.

A Love Poem To The Earth

I’ve been taught a walk to cold mountains cures a spell,

can stop the hunting — most don’t remember this

until today. The game was over

before it even started:

long before we were all running down the mountains

only few were still walking up.

Who lost and won, us or you?

Forever healing wounds

Do you care to march up the stairs.

To leave you in tears

It seems unfair — if you would disappear:

When water was clean, before we drank lean.

“Actavis actavis.” I’m not an activist.

You are feeling blue, you have an angel hue —

For these times like this,

The words I speak,


but I can hear you loud and clear.