Sonic Explorations in Attunement, Towards a Multi Species Methodology 

Adele Davis

Project Description

I used the Capstone Grant to travel to California to an offshore wind construction site and conduct a series of underwater audio recordings in the shallow water (documenting the underwater sounds experienced as noise pollution by ocean invertebrates).  My project ended up centering concepts -- such as sonic attunement --  which relied heavily on my underwater audio recordings. This exciting shift would not have happened without the grant funding which allowed me to travel to California to record in the first place. The audio recordings became a crucial part of my experimental methodology -- supporting my project both artistically and methodologically.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

In addition to a written paper, my thesis included 4 'sonic' chapters dispersed throughout the paper.  These were comprised of 4 audio recordings ranging from 1-4 minutes each.

Who was supporting you in your work?

Alexandra DeLano

Project Themes:

Research, Creative

How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

The hands-on audio field recording that this grant funded has already begun to impact my future endeavors! For example -- I applied for a sound art residency today that required past field experience. I was able to apply for this opportunity because I gained experience field recording this year, thanks to the grant!

What would you do differently? 

If I were to apply for this grant again, I would begin the application earlier. This would ensure that I could make my practical research-related plans sooner in the thesis writing process, which would have been very beneficial to the overall planning process!

How was the experience connected to your work? 

This project allowed me to combine my artistic interests, with my interest in academic/social science experimental methods, all woven together within the guise of my Senior Capstone project. The expansion, here, was in the weaving or combining of interests that had hitherto been separate throughout my time in academia!