Leigh-Anna Nielsen

Lang Arts Senior Work

La Colectiva: Immigrant Diaries

La Colectiva: Immigrant Diaries was a dream I had to share the stories of the unaccompanied Latinx immigrant children that I was writing about in Fall 2020. Inspired by my Global Studies thesis on the ethics of placing these migrant children in foster care, I realized that there were many untold stories of heartbreak, trauma, and loss. Bringing these stories to life and in an open forum where people were welcomed to share their immigration experiences with me verbally and physically became my passion. I interviewed immigrant children, first and second-generation children, and family members of migrants and asked them to move through their experiences with their bodies. Since these realities are rooted in the act of migrating, it only felt appropriate to make the connection with bodily movement. All of the stories told are true and resemble many truths that persist today with the United States’ violent border politics. To humanize the immigrants here in our country today and those yet to come, this video essay and performance art piece symbolizes sacrifice, love, strength, and hope. No human is illegal on stolen land. We must do better and advocate for better.

Leigh-Anna Thesis Final v2.mp4

Leigh-Anna Nielsen is a Global Studies and Contemporary Dance BA candidate graduating with honors in Spring 2021. She is from the San Francisco Bay Area, CA, and is in constant search of her next adventure. Her academic and professional aspirations include working with marginalized communities, such as undocumented immigrants, women of color, and foster youth to find solutions to inequity. These solutions include restorative justice, mutual aid, and grassroots advocacy to create a more equal society where people can have access to the resources necessary to succeed. With a background in dance and arts education, she explores creative outlets to connect with and give power back to communities in need. Leigh-Anna will be attending the University of Michigan’s Global Social Work Practice program in Fall 2023 to pursue her Masters of Social Work.