Juliannie Mateo

Lang Arts Senior Work

I've Seen My Mother Cry Once

I’ve Seen My Mother Cry Once - Juliannie Mateo.mp4

Ma. Mami. Mija. 

Three generations in one body. Like mother, like daughter.  

“You’re starting to sound like Susi” (my mother), 

said to me by Ma, my grandmother. 

Hasta aquí llegan los ciclos.

"I’ve Seen My Mother Cry Once" is a multimedia live solo performance that investigates the intersections of history, memory, identity, and motherhood through the vessels of women in my family, myself included. The thread of intergenerational trauma is cultivated through text, dance, video, and sound. I ask, who are these women, if not mothers? Who shaped these women? How do they shape one another? How do they shape me? They serve as the pillars of this work: Maria Torres (my grandmother), Asuncion Torres (my mother), and Esther Torres (my aunt). This performance is the form through which I express the deep grief that transcends across generations of Latina mothers, daughters, and women, and to say "Gracias!" to Latinas everywhere, especially our mothers, for all they've done with what they were given pero es hora de sanar y cenar.  I made this for you. Eat. Take the good. Let go of the hurt. Heal. There’s enough for everyone.


Instagram: @julianniemateo