Researching Science

The journey continues from here...

Intent for 2022/23 - Actions identified from 21/22 Impact Review


Science Whole School Curriculum Progression Map

Whole School Curriculum Map

Using the Focus4Taps research and skills based approach, the Science Curriculum map has been developed to ensure all year groups are making progress in Scientific skills alongside key knowledge and understanding. The children are assessmed against these learning foci which is tracked using the Foundation Assessment Trackers. 

Continuation and embedding of Focus4Taps and Skills based approach in Year 5.

The Focus4TAPS programme aims to improve science attainment of pupils, by improving teaching approaches and assessment in science. The course supports teachers to use assessment for learning in their classrooms, with a particular focus on assessing practical inquiry tasks to help pupils develop scientific reasoning skills and the use of self and peer-assessment to develop pupils’ metacognitive skills. The training provides resources and activities for teachers to use, however teachers are also encouraged to apply the principles to their own planning, so that the approaches become embedded in their teaching.

Impact of findings from the trial concluded:

That all children, including FSM eligible children made 2+ months progress.

TAPS CPD April 2023

CPD delivery

CPD sessions have been diarised  for the end of the spring term/beginning of the summer term.

CPD delivered and all teachers were given the opportunity to plan a Focus4TAPS lesson to deliver to their classes. Feedback gathered and child voice collected afterwards.

Reading in Science

A list of non-fiction books are being compiled to be added to the Reading Spines by the end of next term. Science Lead in discussions with English Leads about how this could work. 

Subject specific vocabulary

As part of the curriculum progression map, each year group has been provided with topic/subject specific vocabulary that should be covered in the topic they are teaching. CPD sessions to reinforce this. Monitoring underway - to be shared. See Curriuclum Progression Map.


Science has now been added to the Foundation skills trackers as a way of assessing both Scientific Knowledge and Enquiry.

Whole School Investigation

Planning for Science/Art/History fortnight.

V2 (11.11.22) Developing Teaching and Learning at Little Green Junior School (1).pdf

Use of 'Agreed Consistencies' in Science

Monitoring of Inclusion in Science.