Researching Maths

The journey continues from here...

Intent for 2022/23 - Actions identified from 21/22 Impact Review


Mathematics Curriculum Progression/skills Map (Revised Aug 2022))

Whole School Curriculum Map

Using the White Rose Maths Progression documents, the Mathematics Curriculum map has been developed to ensure all year groups are making progress in the various skills within KS2. This will be developed further to include skills from Year 2 to show progression through to Year 3. 

Reviewing Fluency 

Following implementing regular fluency sessions across the school, we will be reviewing our approach to fluency and retrieval practice.  

In January, we had a subject leader professional development session with Herts for Learning. During this session, we were able to observe maths lessons being taught, focusing on retrieval as well as other aspects. We also had the opportunity to discuss the school's current approach to regular fluency sessions. 

Strength identified: 

Action identified: 

Following analysing the Mock SATs results in Year 6, we are trialling a new approach to daily fluency sessions with the aim to improve long term memory in students. For the new approach, each day of every week will have the same type of questions, but new digits. If a student gets a question incorrect, they need to write down the modelled answer so that they can refer back to it in the following weeks. Year 5 have also adopted this approach to trial. We will know whether this approach has had a positive impact if students are achieving higher scores in arithmetic papers and showing progress in new skills as they are able to focus on new learning. 

New Fluency Fitness Approach

Maths Programme

In the acadmic year 2021/22, RM EasiMaths was trialled within Year 6. When researching the impact that this software had on student progress across other schools that used the software, there was very little information and evidence that could be found. Due to this, we have decided to look into different programmes. Currently, we are trialling DoodleMaths (a programme that has publicised their evidence on impact) within school. The initial response to this programme has been positive with good engagement across the school. A pupil and teacher voice will be conduct prior to the decision of purchasing. 

Lesson Structure

At the beginning of the academic year, Year 6 started developing a new approach to the lesson structure within Mathematics. This was to incorporate fluency, reasoning and problem solving into each lesson in order to give all students the opportunity to develop their understanding of these skills. 

During Autumn 1 and 2, this structure was also implemented in Years 4 and 5 following observations of year 6 teaching and a mentoring session respectively. 

Following a review of this structure in Summer 1, Year 3 will be supported to develop this approach and make it appropriate for their students. 

Below are current examples on lesson slides, tasks and photos from books. 

New Lesson Structure


Currently, Preteach interventions are taking place in each year group during explorer afternoons. 


Professional Development session with Herts for Learning to discuss assessment has been arranged for Spring 2 - now postponed.