Art Impact Overview 22/23
Key strengths:
Painting and drawing are covered in all year groups and in more than one term. Children develop their skills confidently in both of these areas.
From the survey, art continues to remain popular among the children.
A variety of artists are studied across the school.
Key Areas for Development:
Subject leader to follow up on sketchbooks to see the impact of the CPD session.
Drawing and painting are covered in all year groups but sculpture isn't (NC requirements to teach all 3). The progression map should be slimmed down to ensure all year groups get a chance to teach sculpture.
Following on from the Ofsted report, during learning walks in 2023/2024 the subject leader will check that the correct vocabulary is used and that previous skills are revisited or referred to in the next lesson.
Assessment Data Headlines
From the 2022/2023 Foundation tracker 4% of children are working above ARE in art.
In Year 3 88% were working at ARE.
In Year 4 90 % were working at ARE
In Year 5 92% were working at ARE
Surveys Headlines
157 children in the school rate art as a 5 (this is the highest score) making art the 3rd popular subject in the school.
Some reasons why art was their favourite subject:
"you get to be creative and is fun and calming and you could be a famous artist when you grow up"
"because I can draw I can paint and I can also let my imagination run wild."
"Art is my favourite subject because I like being creative and I love drawing and painting pictures"
Learning Walks
During the Ofsted visit, art was chosen as a deep dive. Going on a learning walk with the Ofsted Inspector provided me with an excellent opportunity to observe art lessons throughout the school. Some Year groups/classes were not visited therefore these will been seen next academic year. The focus will on correct use of vocabulary and opportunities to revisit skills from previous years.
Pupil Book Study
*Detailed analysis coming soon*