Researching Reading Fluency

Key Texts:

Such, 2021

Meadows, 2022

Class Readers 2022-23

For some children, access to a whole class story might be their only opportunity to access a full, complex story arc guided by an adult. We view class story time as an absolute priority during the school time and teachers have been asked to ringfence time for this during the school week. 

Class story selections should be pitched slightly higher than the level children would be able to access independently, to make best use of the teachers questioning and guidance. The impact of regular shared reading focuses on the development of listening comprehension, word knowledge, background knowledge and reading enjoyment (Such, 2021).

Class Readers - 22.23

Supporting a community with reading - Reading Workshop 03/02/23


We wanted to hold a reading workshop which would bring together parents, pupils and teachers, driving a clear and consistent message about reading at Little Green. We chose to focus on Year 4, 5 and 6 given that Year 3 had been given a similar workshop previously on joining the school. 


Reading Workshop February 2023
Reading Workshop Handout.pdf

Impact - 77 Parent attendees. Feedback below:

Before the event:

After the event:

Book Fair

'You've run our most successful book fair ever - how did you do it?' - Scholastic (March 2023)

In March we welcomed the book fair into our school and I'm delighted to say it was both ours, and Scholastic's (!), most successful Book Fair ever. Why was it so successful this time?  

The result of the success of the Book Fair is £2206 to spend on new books to develop our 'reading offer' at Little Green. 

Reading Fluency Interventions


We are interested in, and developing, our teaching for Reading Fluency' and we include strategies such as echo reading, text marking and choral reading as part of our normal classroom practice. Some children in each year group have been selected to take part in an additional 'reading fluency' intervention during explorer afternoons. We are targeting those children whose prior attainment was slightly below age-related expectation to support them with with reaching the expected standard. 


Teaching assistants observed the reading subject leader leading a small 'reading fluency' session, modelling prosody and performance, with a view to leading their own intervention during the 'Explorer Afternoons'. The subject leader will also be running his own group in Year 6 to closely measure impact over time. 

Teachers in each year group have been reminded of the importance of selecting texts in advance for the person leading the reading fluency intervention for their year group.