Leading Subjects Global Impact 


Science Whole School Curriculum Progression Map

Science - Miss Reile

This year, Little Green Junior School has been trialling the TAPS approach in Year 5. The Teacher Assessment in Primary Science (TAPS) project is based at Bath Spa University and funded by the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT). TAPS aims to develop support for a valid, reliable and manageable system of primary school Science assessment which will have a positive impact on children’s learning. The Year 5 Lead and Science Lead undertook an 18 months research project with TAPS to ensure a clear understanding of this approach and has implemented and embedded this way of assessing Science across this Year Group. The focus for the next academic year is to filter this approach across all of Key Stage 2 ensuring a more skills based approach that develops disciplinary knowledge that naturally builds on substantive knowledge that creates ambitious, enquiring and challenged Scientists. 

Key strengths:

Key Areas for Development:

Assessment Data Headlines



Surveys Headlines



Science (Dark Green)

Learning Walks

(At least one per year)


Areas to investigate further:

Subject Leader to complete Science learning walks in Autumn 2022. 

The focus will be on progression throughout the year groups and assessment. 

Pupil Book Study

(WITH the pupils using considered questioning)


"Science has been two  of the most interesting subjects during year 5, as we have completed many fascinating lessons. One of my favourite science lessons was melting down three different types of chocolate to see which one would melt the fastest." (Year 5 child)

"My favourite lesson this year has been science because I love doing experiments. My favourite parts of science we have done are the chemical reaction lesson (I loved watching the volcano erupt)." (Year 3)

"My favourite learning this year was the science work we have been doing. I really enjoyed  the balloon rockets." (Year 5)

"One of my best memories was the egg experiment where we put egg shells into different liquids and watched what happened. Although it was quite disgusting at the end it was still fascinating to see what happened." (Year 4)

Areas to investigate further:

Science Pupil Voice - July 2022
Primary Science Curriculum Ofsted Review

Ofsted Research Review

The performance of pupils who study science in England is significantly above the average performance of pupils in other countries. Over the past 10 years, there has been an increase in the number of pupils wanting to study science beyond age 16. However, there is emerging evidence from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), key stage 2 national sample tests and Ofsted’s own research into curriculum that suggests the picture is not an improving one for all pupils and may be deteriorating. This makes the findings of this review particularly significant, not only because it identifies features associated with high-quality science education but because it also shines a light on some of the barriers that prevent their implementation.

Ofsted Science Review - The Features of High-quality Science Education