Developing the Explorer Afternoons

At the start of the academic year, 2021-22, we introduced the Explorer Afternoons to deliver the PSHE curriculum. The pupil voice surveys carried out at the end of 21/22, showed an overwhelming desire to have more learning away from the usual classrooms and with more hands-on opportunities. The intention with Explorers, therefore, was to teach the statutory PSHE curriculum, giving the children opportunities which are sometimes tricky to afford in core subjects and with timetable constraints, and enabling them to work in groups across the year cohort to develop community wellbeing and a growth mindset.

Using the PSHE Association Thematic model, each term has been planned to cover the same topic 

A Year in the Life of Explorers...

Autumn 1  - Families and Friendships

Intent - 

Starting in the hall as a year group, each session consisted of twenty minute input by the PSHE Lead. The children then went to different working spaces with adult support staff, to complete one of six activities, utilising Art, Computing, Speaking and Listening skills. During these activities, the adults lead a discussion using information and question prompts reinforcing the input. After forty minutes, the whole year group reconvened in the hall to share their learning, an important part of learning for confidence-building and sharing the powerful knowledge gained. 

*Parent helpers

Implement -  

Impact - 

On reflection, the structure of these sessions only met some of the original intentions. While the statutory PSHE curriculum was planned, the reality of the children moving to different areas and engaging with the new system of cross-year groups caused some difficulties. We also found that the questioning and reinforcement wasn't always effective. This was originally intended to be open-ended to allow for fluid discussion and for any misconceptions to be addressed in the moment.  Feedback from the support staff highlighted the need for more focussed questions and information to support and direct the discussion. The feedback session at the end of the afternoon was not as engaging as hoped; the children who applied themsleves to this were sometimes frustrated by low-level disruptions from other pupils, and the children for which it would be most beneficial appeared tired and agitated by the expectation to sit and listen for fifteen minutes at the end of the day. However, many pupils did reflect on their enjoyment in the opportunity to share their learning and the pride in their learning.

Autumn 2 - Belonging to a Community

Intent - 

Having reflected on the first half-term of Explorers, we were focussed on alleviating the concerns of the adult support staff; promoting confidence in their abilities to provide the reinforcement to the input, and providing the children with engaging and effective learning. We diarised regular meetings with the TAs for them to formally feedback ideas and suggestions.

These included reducing the number of activities delivered across the half-term, with groups being merged into 30s, with two adults at a time. This was meant to help in the event of staff absence and to support those adults who were not yet confident with leading a group independently.

We have also developed our technology resource by installing a working projector in the dining hall for the session input - moving away from the main hall in the hope the smaller space will help with behaviour management of the large whole year group. There are also plans for another class-set of Chromebooks, funded by FOLG, which will enable the children to work more independently and online, which they really engage with.

SLT also implemented core subject interventions to take place in the first 30 minutes of the afternoons. This was intended to provide support to those children that needed it in handwriting, maths and  reading, whilst avoiding taking them out of those lessons in the morning lessons.

Little Green was visited by Toks Olusamokun, the Race Equalities Advisor from Herts County Council, who gave some interesting feedback regarding inclusion and diversity in PSHE. 

Implement -  

Impact - 

Spring 1 - Respecting Ourselves and Others

Intent - 

*weekly activities, overiding objectives, final purpose

*6 weeks, one group, one staff member

*Parent helpers

* blog

Implement -  

Impact - 

Year 6 Learning - Dragon's Den

Spring 2 - Keeping Safe

Intent - 

Change planning template

Keep classes in own classooms with one Lead TA/PSHE Lead teaching

Trm down curriculum

Include MFL into Explorer Afternoons

Implement -  

Impact - 

Year 3 Learning - Hazard Alley

Year 5 Learning - SRE

Summer 1 - Growing and Changing

Intent - 

Change planning template

Keep classes in own classooms with one Lead TA/PSHE Lead teaching

Trm down curriculum

Include MFL into Explorer Afternoons

Implement -  

Impact -