Researching PSHE, including RSE, at Little Green


At Little Green, we use PSHE to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to lead healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives. The subject covers a wide range of topics, including relationships and sex education, mental health, drug and alcohol education, financial education, and personal safety.

The key objectives of PSHE at Little Green are:

Overall, the intent of PSHE at Little Green is to promote the holistic development of pupils, to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive, and to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of adult life.


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) is an important part of our primary school curriculum, as it helps children at Little Green  to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to lead happy, healthy, and productive lives.

Below are the steps we use to implement PSHE at Little Green:

By implementing these steps, we ensure that PSHE is effectively delivered and that our pupils are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to succeed in life


At Little Green, our pupils will:

KS1-2 assessment guide.pdf

Assessment Guidance 

PSHE is regarded as a personal and subjective subject, with all children coming with their own origin stories and specific backgrounds. At Little Green and with the new Explorer Afternoon structure, we are in the process of researching the best way to assess the subject using baseline, formative and summative assessments. We are using guidance from the PSHE association to help with this journey.

Interesting article... 

... briefly explaining the pros and cons of different assessment strategies

Chameleon PDE

Prioritising elements of teaching the new PSHE curriculum

The new Explorer structure of delivering PSHE has uncovered some time-constraints. We are working as a team to manage these, whicle placing an importnce on mental health and work-life balance

PSHE/RSE - Tracking THROUGH the journey/ Trimming it DOWN- PSHE/RSHE Curriculum Progression/skills Map (Revised: Sept 2022)

Amending and consolidating the curriculum

We are taking the curriculum map suggested by the PSHE Association and ensuring there is clear progression both vertically and horizontally. As part of Little Green's Living Curriculum, we are embedding some objectives into other subjects, e.g. Science, PE, REWV, computing. 

We also intend to unify PSHE concurrently into the school ethos - nurturing and developing the children sense of citizenship and  belonging

Researching PSHE/RSHE

Government Guidance - our starting point for re-reviewing our PSHE Health and Relationship Education approach

Identifying Coverage in Assemblies and Lessons - Health and relationships Review Spring 2022

Researching PSHE

PSHE or Citizenship?

The buttons below link to research into our new PSHE curriculum and asks what are the similarities and differences to Citizenship and should we integrate them into a concurrent scheme of work?