
Year 4 Cornet lessons 

Across the year, Year 4 take turns as a class learning how to play the cornet.  They learn how to read notes, listen to each other and play as a group. 

Then, after a term, Year 4 perform to the rest of the school. 

1:1 Instrument lessons

Children have the opportunity to learn certain instruments on a 1:1 basis. 

Monday- Flute- Mr Taylor

Tuesday- Brass- Mr Horton

Wednesday- Violin - Mrs Vandy / Piano - Mrs Mackie

Thursday - Drums - Mr Gardner / Piano - Mrs Mackie

Friday - Piano - Mrs Mackie

The children are able to make quicker progress when learning 1:1. Mrs Giles-Thomson in the school office does amazing work at organising these sessions. 

Instruments in lessons

Across the year groups, we have started to use more instruments in the classroom. Moving forward, this is a priority to continue. 

For this academic year (21-22) in Year 6 in particular,  the children have been focusing on improvising using a range of resources including untuned and tuned percussion instruments and online recording devices. 


Lessons from Rickmansworth School 

In Spring 2022, we were very lucky to have Mr Tompkins, the head of music at Rickmansworth School, come and teach Year 5 and Year 6 how to compose the introduction of a song using music technology. It was a great way to show the children how music can be digitally composed. Here is a video of Mr Tompkins teaching a class. 

Click here to see the children and teacher's feedback on his lesson.