Venice (Masks of Evil) locations

Post date: Aug 03, 2010 8:9:16 AM

In the home video edit titled "Masks of Evil," Istanbul 1918 & Transylvania 1918 are bridged together by a short segment set in Venice, Italy. I've managed to track down most of the filming locations, with a couple still eluding me.

First up, as Indy is seen traveling down a canal he passes by the Church of the Holy Apostles of Christ (San Apostoli). This was shot from the canal on the south side of the building.

The next establishing shot we see is looking across the water toward the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, from the north. In the show, the shot was flipped, but I've corrected it below.

The next shot is from St. Mark's Square, looking SW toward the Church of St Mary of Health/Salvation ("The Salute"). This shot was again flipped (corrected below), but a similar shot was seen in Tales of Innocence in the correct orientation.

Conveniently, in the next shots Indy is in St. Mark's Square, walking around the corner of the Doge's Palace toward the cathedral.

The Doge's Palace in the background:

And the cathedral...

The inner courtyard of the Doge's Palace was also used - here, Indy walks around the south side looking toward the cathedral. An identical shot was used in Tales of Innocence.

Indy's next seen crossing the Trevisan street (Calle Trevisan) bridge onto Fondamenta Bonlini. The view looks east toward the Jesuit Church (Chiesa dei Gesuati).

The embassy where Indy receives his mission to find General Targo is the building next to San Geremia church in Venice. Yet another shot that was flipped (I've un-flipped it).

After his briefing, Indy is whisked across the channel to the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. This is looking north from the dock on the north side of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, on the NW corner of the island.
