Mexico 1916 locations found!

Post date: Oct 31, 2011 8:6:15 AM

Thanks to Juan of the website, I have been able to positively identify many more of the locations seen in Mexico 1916 (Spring Break Adventure). I already knew much of the filming took place at Fort Bravo Cinema Studios/Texas Hollywood outside Tabernas, Spain.

The horse chase scene was filmed on Rambla de Tabernas, the road leading to Fort Bravo.

Pancho's camp & the army camp were located in an area known as Las Salinas or Las Lomillas outside Tabernas. This area is well known for its use in The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Lawrence of Arabia and The Rope and the Cult. It appears the stone wall seen in the above shot still remains.

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The American army camp was also shot at Las Salinas. The particular area used in these scenes also appears at the climax of the tank chase sequence in Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade.

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The Mexican town where Pancho and his gang stage an attack was also shot at Fort Bravo. This area is called "Mexican Street."

The cantina where Indy runs into Patton was filmed in the "Mexican Town" portion of the Fort Bravo set.

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Demetrios' hideout was filmed on the "New Frontier" film set near Gergal, Almeria. This set was also used in the 1973 film Chino, starring Charles Bronson. Sadly the set has fallen into disuse and today is virtually a pile of rubble. The blog Almeria 1980 features several photos of the set shortly after Young Indy filmed there (scroll to the bottom of the page). More photos of the set.

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I also found a likely candidate for the location of the train scenes - an abandoned stretch of railway outside La Calahorra, Spain also seen in My Name is Nobody (1973) and Any Gun Can Play (1967).

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