More Barcelona 1917 locations found

Post date: Jul 21, 2010 6:24:4 AM

After scrutinizing over small jpegs on Google, I've finally confirmed what I suspected to be true all along: the theater seen in Barcelona 1917 & Scandal of 1920 is the inside of the National Theatre in Prague.

It was only used at the end of Scandal of 1920, when the "Scandals" show finally opens on Broadway. The rehearsals appear to have been shot elsewhere. The shot they used was identical to the one in Barcelona, just with some digital changes of the stage.


Národní 223/2

11000 Praha, Česká republika

The staircase where Marcello talks to the Countess was outside the The Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Hospital of the Holy Cross & Saint Paul) in Barcelona. The entrance is at the intersection of Carrer de Cartagena & Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Clare. The Monumento a Pau Gil is in the foreground to the right.

The scene begins inside the Main Hall of the hospital:

The alleyway where they stop the chauffeur is along the Carrer del Bisbe in Barcelona, with the Palau de la Generalitat on the right. They begin on the Carrer de la Pietat & turn onto Carrer del Bisbe heading south.

As the chauffeur drives off, he drives around the back side of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Santa Eulalia in Barcelona, on Carrer de la Pietat (right around the corner from the alleyway).