Congo 1917 (Oganga the Giver & Taker of Life)

First aired: 4/8/92

Directed by: Simon Wincer

Schweitzer's camp was built by the film crew on the Tana River in Kenya, near the border with Somalia. A description of the location from the book "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: On the Set & Behind the Scenes":

"Filming took place in Maasai Mora and in the Tana River. To facilitate the basic crew of twenty-five people, plus the local crew of sixty, the production had to create a town in the middle of the Tana River. They had to build their own roads, set up an efficient system for bringing in materials; they had to build a landing strip, dock for boats, and dams to prevent flooding from where they were. They had to set up a base camp, construction mill and bring in electricity. Also, they had to create their own water sanitation plants, their own toilets and everybody lived in tents for about eight weeks."

The scenes at "Port Gentil" were filmed on the island town of Lamu in Kenya. 

GPS Coordinates:

-2.26742, 40.902544

The fort at Port Gentil is the Lamu Fort, dating back to the 1820s. Today it is open as a museum

GPS Coordinates:
