Exciting "Hollywood Follies" finds!

Post date: Apr 10, 2018 2:49:24 AM

All of the credit for the following finds goes to faithful follower Collin who made these major discoveries!

The New York skyscraper housing the Universal Pictures offices was actually a digital blend of the entrance from an unknown building and the impressive 28-story 1929 Shell Building in San Francisco, located at 100 Bush Street.

Indy takes a taxi ride through Hollywood in this digitally-composited stock footage shot from 1975's "The Day of the Locust." The view looks south toward the 1928 Fontenoy apartment building from the north end of Whitley Avenue (specific location information provided by the Movie Tourist Blog).

GPS Coordinates:

34.107321, -118.333352

And the most exciting find that I've been trying to pin down FOR-EV-ER is the actual exterior of the Universal Studios entrance gate, which I figured was in Santa Barbara somewhere, but it somehow always eluded me...

Behold the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History at 2559 Puesta Del Sol in Santa Barbara (with a few digital additions)!

The "Administration Building" is just the main entrance to the museum, with some major digital matte painting modifications. I think it's time for a visit!

Something else I've been trying to track down forever were any shots of Von Stoheim's mansion, which I am positive are all in Los Angeles somewhere. Well, thanks to Collin we've at least tracked down the pool where he goes skinny-dipping!

(photo courtesy of Zillow)

This incredible location is the Sand Point Villa at 871 Sand Point Road in Carpinteria, CA. As recent as last year it was available as a vacation rental but in March 2018 was sold for $4.7 million and is no longer open to the public.

A special thanks to Collin for the tips, glad you enjoy the site!