Princeton 1916 chase scene

Post date: Oct 11, 2011 7:21:4 PM

Today's discovery is that the chase scenes in Princeton 1916 (Spring Break Adventure) and Chicago 1920 (Mystery of the Blues) both appear to have been filmed at the shipyard on Myers Street in Wilmington, NC.

Here's one I've been trying to find forever, but was thrown off several times because it appears to have been altered with a matte painting. This is the climax to the chase scene, where Indy his pursuers off "Pier 12." In fact, it is not a pier at all but altered digitally to appear so. This is an aerial shot of what the location actually looks like:

(Click to enlarge)

The railroad tracks are a dead giveaway and attached to the big warehouse building, you can even see the little shack that had the Pier 12 sign.

GPS Coordinates:
