Edison Labs Location found!

Post date: Jul 13, 2010 12:57:55 AM

Today's find is an exciting one - the Edison Laboratory from Princeton 1916/Spring Break Adventure! I've searched & searched for this one with no clues whatsoever to go off of. Then I stumbled across a photo online of the old Lucky Strike cigarette factory in Durham, NC. I knew this had to be the place! I double-checked on Street View, but just could not find the buildings in the shot below. I figured it must've been altered by a matte painting. Then I found this website specifically about the preservation of Durham's old tobacco factories. So there was more than one! The hunt was on...

Apparently these gigantic brick structures (all with very similar architecture) are being preserved and turned into shopping centers, apartments, restaurants, and so forth. I've got to say, that's a lot better treatment than the historic buildings get where I live!

So, I finally managed to track down the right buildings (like I said, they all look really similar): The Hicks & Toms Warehouses of the former Liggett & Myers factory (now an apartment complex known as "West Village"). The entrance gate was built between the two buildings in a narrow alley called Fuller Street. For orientation, the trees in the background are behind N. Duke St. For more detail of the precise spot, check out the map I made in the "Download" section to the right.

The thing that tipped me off was when I spotted the powerhouse at this plant, which is noticeable in the background of a few of the shots. I was really thrown off trying to match up the angle where the test track was filmed, until I discovered they'd flipped the shot. Curse you, Lucas and your digital trickery!

The track was shot in a vacant parking lot SE of the power plant on Fernway Ave. Here's an aerial shot from Google:

According to the West Village map, this lot is slated to be turned into condos (oh no, better get there fast!). Here's the shot flipped to the correct orientation:

The powerhouse is next to the water tower. They must've painted out the railroad tracks in the shot.

And just kitty-corner to this spot (around the small building on the left side) & down an unnamed alley is where the test car drove down:

...and arrived at the laboratory entrance where Professor Thompson works.

Which amazingly enough has now been turned into an Italian restaurant! How 'bout that - you can eat in Edison's lab!

(sorry for the small image, it's all that's out there)

The address is:

Tosca Ristorante

604 West Morgan Street

Durham, NC

What's exciting about this find is that it is so close to Duke University & Indy's college locations. Now I also have a better idea of where to broaden my search besides Wilmington...