"Stage 1" of Universal Studio, Hollywood Follies

Post date: Sep 19, 2012 6:2:58 AM

Today's location is a HUGE HUGE HUGE find! This is one I've been trying to find for ages and happened upon it almost by accident. Read on!

Stage 1 of Universal Studios was where Irving Thalberg (Bill Cusack) takes Indy to supervise Von Stroheim's latest out-of-control film, "Foolish Wives." After rather violently being kicked off the set, Indy first meets Claire (Allison Smith) on the steps outside.

While Google image-searching for a suitable old Fillmore-area warehouse for the loading dock shot, I ran across James Lancaster's website chronicling old packinghouses in southern California. On there, he includes a photo of one familiar-looking building (well, familiar to somebody who has been hunting for it for years) called the Limoneira Company - and he includes the address, which is west of Santa Paula.

Photo courtesy of Chris Campbell

After that, all it took was another Google search to confirm that this was indeed the place. Operating in Ventura County since 1893, the Limoneira Company is one of the largest providers of lemons and avocados in the U.S. and offers tours of their facility to the public.


1141 Cummings Road

Santa Paula, CA

Coincidentally, it just so happens that the loading dock shot was indeed filmed at the very same location, outside a small building behind the main warehouse.

GPS Coordinates:
